@ECHO OFF :: :: Trac post-commit-hook script for Windows :: :: Contributed by markus, modified by cboos. :: Usage: :: :: 1) Insert the following line in your post-commit.bat script :: :: call %~dp0\trac-post-commit-hook.cmd %1 %2 :: :: 2) Check ...
/* Hook into the 'init' action so that the function * Containing our post type registration is not * unnecessarily executed. */ add_action( 'init', 'custom_post_type', 0 ); Hosted with ️ byWPCode 1-click Use in WordPress You may notice the part where we have set the hierarchic...
Is there a way to create global Git hooks that will apply to all repositories on my system (without having to copy them into each project directory)? If not, what would be the best solution going forward -- perhaps a git-init template?
* $post_string = "app=request&version=beta"; * request_by_curl('https://baidu.com', $post_string);*/functionrequest_by_curl($remote_server,$post_string) {$ch=curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$remote_server); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'mypost=' .$post_stri...
运行用户提供的"last functions"(xdc.runtime.Startup模块提供了这个hook) 运行pinit() 运行main() "after main"启动序列由SYS/BIOS控制,并在应用程序main()函数的末尾显式调用BIOS_start()函数来启动。调用BIOS_start()时,SYS/BIOS的启动顺序如下: Start Functions。运行用户提供的"启动函数"。如果系统支持定时...
For the sake of performance (and to avoid potential race conditions), always register your custom fields in thecustom_metadata_manager_admin_inithook. This way your front-end doesn't get bogged down with unnecessary processing and you can be sure that your fields will be registered safely. Her...
context.registerShutdownHook(); } } 运行结果如下: B Before : helloWorld A Before : helloWorld Bean正在初始化 B After : helloWorld A After : helloWorld Message : Hello World! Bean将要被销毁 由运行结果可以看出: postProcessBeforeInitialization 方法是在 Bean 实例化和依赖注入后,自定义初始化方法前...
在很多任务中我们可能需要发送post请求,但是又不需要或者不想用界面表单的方式,这时就可以使用php中的curl 来模拟表单的提交 首先封装一个curl 方法 private function curlExec...($options) { $ch = curl_init (); curl_setopt_array ( $ch, $options ); // 返回json string $result...= curl_exec ( ...
GlusterHook 6.102.1. 禁用 POST 6.102.2. 启用 POST 6.102.3. 获取 GET 获取GET follow 6.102.4. 删除 DELETE 6.102.5. 解析 POST 6.103. GlusterHooks GlusterHooks 6.103.1. 列出 GET 列出GET follow Max 6.104. GlusterVolume GlusterVolume...
当你用 git init 初始化一个新版本库时,Git 默认会在这个目录中放置一些示例脚本。这些脚本除了本身可以被调用外,它们还透露了被触发时所传入的参数。 所有的示例都是 shell 脚本,其中一些还混杂了Perl代码,不过,任何正确命名的可执行脚本都可以正常使用 —— 你可以用 Ruby 或Python,或其它语言编写它们。 这些示...