1.__init__()的作用是初始化某个类的一个实例。 2.__call__()的作用是使实例能够像函数一样被调用,同时不影响实例本身的生命周期(__call__()不影响一个实例的构造和析构)。但是__call__()可以用来改变实例的内部成员的值。 class Mark(object): def __init__(self, str): print("__init__", ...
functioninitialize(addressmodule,addressguard,CallHook[]memorycallHooks)external{ functioninitialize(addressmodule,addressguard,InitCall[]memoryinitCalls)external{ ISafe safe=ISafe(address(this)); safe.enableModule(module); safe.setGuard(guard);
Because of that, we had no need to continue investigating the original question in this thread, whether there is a hook that can be used to register a function that is called during Acrobat startup after a point in time where it is safe to cal...
security_solution_api_integration/test_suites/entity_analytics/risk_engine/trial_license_complete_tier/init_and_status_apis·ts - Entity Analytics - Risk Engine @ess @serverless @serverlessQA init_and_status_apis "after each" hook for "should install resources on init call in the custom name...
Because of that, we had no need to continue investigating the original question in this thread, whether there is a hook that can be used to register a function that is called during Acrobat startup after a point in time where it is safe tocall...