• Post-doctoral fellowship Research directions • Data science and machine learning theories...
The university is seeking a creative, independent, and driven individual with documented research experience for a post-doctoral position. Candidates with strong research experience in structural biology and translation are especially encouraged to apply. Location: Czech Republic Benefits An attractive salary...
Over 1,000 universities, companies, research institutions and government agencies worldwide use our service for recruiting talented postdocs and scientists. We help employers reach hundreds of thousands of potentially qualified candidates who are seeking post-doctoral opportunities. more...>> ...
Send job Post Doctoral Fellow - CGHSS Georgetown University: Medical Center Location:Washington, DC Open Date:Sep 09, 2022 Deadline:Dec 31, 2023 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time Description The Carlson Lab at Georgetown University is hiring a postdoctoral fellow as part of the new Verena NSF Biology...
DLR-DAAD Research Fellowship Programme: DAAD also offers a research fellowship in conjunction with the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) for highly qualified graduate, doctoral and postdoctoral students as well as senior scientists in the fields of aeronautics, space, transportation, energy, digitalisation ...
The Post Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) Program is an intensive training program that provides opportunities both for self-directed research and interdisciplinary collaboration. Strong candidates for this program have graduatelevel training in one or more of the following areas: psychology, sociology, urban...
The Department of Veterans Affairs Pre- and Post-Doctoral nurse fellowships: Diverse opportunities for research Discussion of the post-doctoral fellowship and the extensive resources of the VA related to overall research career development are also addressed... J Hobbs,M Shively,J Bormann,... - ...
Postdoc.com lists 100s post-doctoral positions, research associates, and science jobs as well as postdoctoral scholarships and fellowships.
The Microsoft Research India Post-doctoral Researcher program brings together fresh PhDs from all over the world with our researchers. It provides the post-doctoral researchers, the opportunity to work closely with Microsoft’s researchers and product groups. S... ...
The fellowship programme scholarship is designed … Read more April Scholarships International Scholarships for Students Postgraduate Scholarships Research Scholarships Scholarships UK Scholarships India Postgraduate research UK University of EssexEmbassy of France in the Central African Republic Doctoral ...