为了培养和挖掘STEM领域的优秀人才,我们提供这个STEM post-doctoral fellowship。此奖学金项目面向具有卓越科研能力和热情的博士后研究员,为他们提供一段宝贵的时间来研究他们感兴趣的领域,同时获得资金支持。 二、申请条件 1. 已完成博士后研究,并具有在STEM领域进一步研究的能力和潜力。 2. 对所申请领域的理论或实践...
职位类PhD申请专属通道已开通【如何申请年薪30W的职位类Ph.D. Position 2【干货分享!】 大可Offer背景能力提升项目:(1)数据科学与人工智能入门&实践+(2)研究论文-头雁计划&追逐计划Topics列表 2022Robotics+ML博士申请总结:欧陆/英国机器人/强化学习/人工智能方向-已接EPFL职位类PhD Offer ┄┅┄┅┄┄┅┄┅┄┄...
The Philosophy and Religion Program in the Division of Humanities at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology invites expressions of interest for the RGC Junior Research Fellow Scheme (JRFS). The scheme provides funding to cover up to 36 months full-time post-doctoral fellowship. The s...
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) launched the Presidential Post-doctoral Fellowship (HKU-PPF) in 2019 with the objective of hosting the world’s finest post-doctoral talents to undertake frontier research at HKU. They will receive an attractive stipend with additionalaccommodation, research and con...
Zhejiang University China offering International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program 2024 for international Post-doctoral student.
Program Details: Each Fellow will receive a joint certificate from Xavier and Lankenau Hospital for having completed the Post Doctoral Fellowship training program. Dean of the Program Dr. Richard Pestell MB, BS, MD, PhD, MBA, FRACP, FACP, FRS (Medicine), FAAAS...
博士后 或 英才计划
From 1983 to the present, 30 post-doctoral Fellows have spent at least one year at the Juniper Gardens Children's Project developing their own research plans, programs, and skills in research. Forty percent of these fellows were members of minority groups, 70% were female, and 1 had a disa...
presidential post-doctoral fellowshipPresidential Post-doctoral Fellowship(总统博士后奖学金)是一种学术荣誉,旨在表彰和吸引全球最优秀的博士后人才进行前沿研究。此项奖学金的具体待遇可能因学校或机构而异,但通常包括: 年薪:通常会比一般的博士后薪资高,以表彰获奖者的杰出成就和潜力。 研究支持:包括科研经费、会议...
This article presents information on the Massey Cancer Center Cancer Control Post Doctoral Training Program in Virginia. The program is funded by the National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute to stimulate state-of-the-art, cross cutting, multidisciplinary research in behavioral science, beh...