Positive versus negative symptoms in schizophrenia: response to haloperidol. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 1994;18:155-64.Palao DJ, Arauxo A, Brunet M, Marquez M, Bernardo M, Ferrer J, Gonzalez-Monclus E 1994. Positive versus negative symptoms in schizophrenia: response to ...
Negative symptoms.Lacking typical behaviors such as bathing, socializing, taking care of basic needs, or showing emotion. Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia Positive symptoms are highly exaggerated ideas, perceptions, or actions that show the person can’t tell what’s real from what isn’t. Here ...
Keywords:schizophrenia;executivefunction;negativesymptoms;positivesymptoms 精神分裂症患者大都存在不同程度的认知功能 损害,患者不能学习新的技能和回归社会。国内外 学者对此研究颇多,但对认知功能障碍中重要组成 部分的执行功能研究报道不多。本研究对以阴性症 状和阳性症状为主的精神分裂症患者的执行功能的 特点进行探...
The negative-positive dichotomy of schizophrenic symptoms and syndromes is the current version of ongoing attempts to subdivide the multifarious clinical manifestations of schizophrenia into more simple, homogeneous classes. The theoretical background for the negative-positive distinction in Anglo-Saxon ...
The re-emergence of interest in negative symptoms during the past decade has generated a creative period for the study of psychopathology in schizophrenia. Increasingly, a relative balance has been restored to descriptive psychopathology, giving more equal emphasis on florid colorful symptoms such as de...
The old distinction between positive and negative symptoms has of late been reclaimed to describe the symptomatology of schizophrenia. The commonly held view that it originated with J. H. Jackson is inaccurate. This distinction should be attributed to J. R. Reynolds; current usage is reynoldian ...
aIn contrast to the “positive” symptoms of the acute syndrome, the chronic syndrome is characterized by thought disorder and by “negative” symptoms of under activity, lack of drive, social withdrawal, and emotional apathy 与深刻综合症状的“正面”症状对比,慢性综合症状描绘的为想法混乱和是由“下...
contributes to the presence of both positive15,19and negative17,20symptoms. However, several studies have found no relationship between abnormal activation during response inhibition and symptoms21,22, and thus the degree of specificity of the neural substrate of symptoms to cognitive control related ...
reframe negative events is central to therapeutic techniques and linked to fewer depressive symptoms, more positive emotionality4, and faster recovery from stress5. However, a critical question is whether focusing on the positive aspects of past negative events actually changes the memory representation ...
Studies of psychopathology have simplified this complex array in several ways; one has been a subdivision into positive and negative symptoms. This study examines the positive versus negative distinction in patients with schizophrenia or schizophreniform disorder who were evaluated with the Scale for the...