Negative versus positive schizophrenia. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer- Verlag; 1991.Andreasen, N.C., Flaum, M., Arndt, S., Alliger, R., and Swayze, V.W. Positive and negative symptoms: Assessment and valid- ity. In: Marneros, A., Andreasen, N.C., and Tsuang, M.T., eds. Negative...
Negative symptoms.Lacking typical behaviors such as bathing, socializing, taking care of basic needs, or showing emotion. Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia Positive symptoms are highly exaggerated ideas, perceptions, or actions that show the person can’t tell what’s real from what isn’t. Here ...
An emphasis on considering the neural mechanisms that may underlie both positive and negative symptoms has led to a more focused approach to asking questions about psychopathology, particularly emphasizing the importance of longitudinal perspectives and the possible interaction between treatment effects and ...
In subject area:Medicine and Dentistry The PANSS is a standardized, clinical interview that rates the presence and severity of positive and negative symptoms, as well as general psychopathology for people with schizophrenia within the past week. ...
摘要: A letter to the editor is presented in response to an article on the negative association between the illness variables and negative symptoms in schizophrenia and the stability of negative symptoms.关键词: EEG AMBULATORY EEG PANIC ATTACKS TEMPORO-LIMBIC EPILEPSY PARTIAL SEIZURES EPILEPTIC ...
The negative-positive dichotomy of schizophrenic symptoms and syndromes is the current version of ongoing attempts to subdivide the multifarious clinical manifestations of schizophrenia into more simple, homogeneous classes. The theoretical background for the negative-positive distinction in Anglo-Saxon ...
Results:The factor analyses revealed positive and negative factors with a slight tendency to merge over time. The prevalence of positive and negative symptoms declined in the year following first hospitalization and was stable thereafter. Positive and negative symptoms in 1 month were highly predictive...
Studies of psychopathology have simplified this complex array in several ways; one has been a subdivision into positive and negative symptoms. This study examines the positive versus negative distinction in patients with schizophrenia or schizophreniform disorder who were evaluated with the Scale for the...
positive and negative symptoms; the role in maintenance of symptoms is less clear. Thus, we hypothesise an association between symptoms and activation in cognitive control related regions such as ACC and SMA/pre-SMA in EP patients rather than chronic patients. In an exploratory approach, we ...
The old distinction between positive and negative symptoms has of late been reclaimed to describe the symptomatology of schizophrenia. The commonly held view that it originated with J. H. Jackson is inaccurate. This distinction should be attributed to J. R. Reynolds; current usage is reynoldian ...