SOCIAL work researchELECTRONIC publicationsIn the article, the author examines the systematic review and thematic synthesis of literature on the perceptions of social workers on bureaucracy issues in frontline practice. Topics include the influence of researcher positionality, the motivation and values on ...
The language variable in educational research: an exploration of researcher positionality, translation, and interpretationThe language variable in educational research: an exploration of researcher positionality, translation, and interpretationQualitative ResearchEducational...
Ethnographic researchers are not supposed to be neutral observers, but are very much part of the research process. As such, the ethnographer herself becomes part of the data collection process, and the relationship between researcher and informants becomes a part of the process as well. This ...
The main question posed is, how may girls and women are positioned in Japanese society and what associated values do schools promote for girls in relation to school uniforms and female careers. A pilot study was conducted with four teachers, applying an analysis of participant and researcher ...
From dispositions to positionality: Addressing dispositions of the student researcher in the ACRL frameworkACRL frameworkPositionalityDispositionsINFORMATION-LITERACYREFLEXIVITYFIELDWORKKNOWLEDGERACEThe treatment of dispositions in the ACRL framework has had little attention, for example, the ACRL document barely ...
(2017). The language variable in educational research: an exploration of researcher positionality, translation, and interpretation. International Journal of Research & Method in Education. Ahead of Print. doi: 10.1080/1743727X.2017.1307335doi:10.1080/1743727X.2017.1307335Cormier...
Making Sense of Researcher Positionality in Foundational Literacy Studies Researchdoi:10.21623/ article presents the discussion on studying literacy, language, and discourse understanding social constructions of literacy.Wan, Amy J....
Reflections on researcher identity and power: the impact of positionality on community based participatory research (CBPR) processes and outcomes. Crit Sociol. 2015;41(7-8):1045-63.Muhammad, M., Wallerstein, N., Sussman, A.L., Avila, M., Belone, L., & Duran, B. (2015). Reflections ...
Researcher positionalityPurpose - The purpose of this paper is to argue for a multi-dimensional and developmental notion of researcher positionality in conducting qualitative research, in lieu of the dichotomous notion of outsider and insider. The former emphasizes the agentive role researchers play in ...
Finally, I discuss my shifting identity/ies in what I define as a queer/ed research space, and conceptualize my performative researcher identity as a form of drag.doi:10.1080/1743727X.2021.1926969Alex Southern