Issues of positionality challenge the notions of value-free research that have dismissed human subjectivity from the processes that generate knowledge and identities. Consequently, it is essential to take into account personal positions before engaging in research, especially qualitative research. … Source...
We argue that a technocracy is unavoidable; GIScience researchers must, therefore, address their positionality in research involving Indigenous peoples. Positionality compels the researcher to reflexively acknowledge how legitimacy is conferred through, for example, their credentialed expertise, institutions, ...
For example, the positionality of the world city in the global financial networks is different from that in the global aviation network (Cheung et al., 2020; Silva et al., 2016). Each network is a research perspective, representing a research purpose, and more and more inter-urban flow ...
The search for that answer has led me to this point in my research on another topic. It is often incredibly enlightening to look at the way I organize my folders (years ago in hanging-folders, but I’m talking about virtual, electronic folders today) and imagine the cross-pollination that...
civic engagementknowledge productionnighttime economypositionalityThis article explores the production of geographic knowledge arising through civic engagement, using the example of a research course in Pittsburgh's South Side Flats neighborhood. Although civic engagement is a persistent feature in geog...
RESEARCH fundingQUALITATIVE researchMEDICAL careHEALTH policyINTERVIEWINGORGANIZATIONAL structureCONCEPTUAL structuresHEALTH equityBackground: Health system responsiveness to public priorities and needs is a broad, multi-faceted and complex health system goal thought to be important in promoting inclusivity and ...
Through this research, the author found that as an insider ethnographer, certain strategies had to be adopted in the field by the researcher to be objective and unbiased throughout the research process. For example, whenever the author conducted an interview, she tried to try to say less, ...
From dispositions to positionality: Addressing dispositions of the student researcher in the ACRL frameworkACRL frameworkPositionalityDispositionsINFORMATION-LITERACYREFLEXIVITYFIELDWORKKNOWLEDGERACEThe treatment of dispositions in the ACRL framework has had little attention, for example, the ACRL document barely ...
This unexpected research journey enhanced my level of intimacy with the phenomenon, the research site, and the participants. Overall, this example of enacting reflexivity helps to bridge the gap between how positionality is theorised and how it actively practiced. Finally, this article is a call...
BIBLE. PhilippiansBIBLICAL studiesFOLLOWERSHIPUsing Philippians 1:27鈥 2:4 as an example, this article will explore the role of positionality in biblical studies. Although the process of reflecting on one's positionality is more prevalent in empirical-based research, one's positionality is also...