Reflecting on one's positionality as a researcher is a critical element in qualitative studies. While there are various qualitative studies on the meaning of and the way positionality affects qualitative research practice, this research note examines the phenomenon as it applies to the author's ...
The basic premise is that each person enters research work with their own individually shaped experiences, cultural and personal, and social, political, and cultural identities. Be The Change: The Key to Unlocking Your Power KaeLyn 2018 Related Words Log in or sign up to add your own related ...
The interaction between these scales has received less attention in the current research. Therefore, as with the glocalization perspective, the national-local scale combination analysis may also provide some new ideas for the description of urban positionality, especially for the less global regions in...
In this article, I claim that it is essential to integrate positionality in P4wC research/practice. Aside from its role in helping a practitioner/researcher choose the appropriate method and materials that match the unique contexts of children, it also increases one's awareness of the...
The manifestations of theoretical and methodological issues will be illustrated in trauma research in both countries.Structure and topics to be addressedConceptual framework: A conceptualization of cultural positionality based on a critical review of the literature will be discussed. Presenters will discuss...
The treatment of dispositions in the ACRL framework has had little attention, for example, the ACRL document barely unpacks its meaning and pedagogy related to dispositions and learning. It is important to explore how to teach and address dispositions to acknowledge that students and researchers ...
R. (2014). Making sense of "place": reflections on pluralism and positionality in place research. Landscape and Urban Planning, 131, 74e82. DR (2014) Making sense of `place': Reflections on pluralism and positionality in place...
This contrasts strongly with the way in which qualitative research, within the domain of so-called soft-science literature, uses positionality as an integral element of the research process. Without contextualising the researcher and research environment in qualitative studies, often the meaning of any...
doi:10.1016/j.jssr.2020.07.003Casey HolmesNina R. SchoonoverAshley A. AtkinsonJournal of Social Studies Research
Using open-ended interviews to conduct research on foreign elites raises methodological questions which conducting research on non-foreign elites and foreign non-elites does not. In this paper I first reflect upon some of the practical issues I have encountered when conducting interviews with members ...