pose_graph_2d_error_term.h types.h pose_graph_3d CMakeLists.txt BUILD CMakeLists.txt bal_problem.cc bal_problem.h bicubic_interpolation.cc bicubic_interpolation_analytic.cc bundle_adjuster.cc circle_fit.cc curve_fitting.c curve_fitting.cc ...
weight_init='xavier_uniform', bias_init='zeros') self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(64, 128, kernel_size=1, stride=1, has_bias=True, pad_mode="same", weight_init='xavier_uniform', bias_init='zeros') self.max_pool2d = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=4, stride=4) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(128...
使用Ceres Solver进行2D姿态图优化的示例代码。 依存关系 本征3.3或更高版本 Ceres Solver 1.12.0或更高版本 Gflags 2.2.0或更高版本 带有matplotlib的Python 建造 $ git clone https://github.com/shinsumicco/pose-graph-optimization.git $ cd pose-graph-optimization $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake ....
本文提出了一种开源方法,可以从BIM模型中生成适当的姿态图(Pose Graph)地图,以实现在变化和动态环境中的稳健的2D-LiDAR定位。首先,2D OGMs是从复杂的BIM模型自动生成的。这些OGM仅代表结构元素,允许室内自主机器人导航。然后,一种有效的技术将这些2D OGM转换为基于姿态图的地图,从而实现更精确的机器人姿态跟踪。最后...
graph.input[0].type.tensor_type.shape.dim[0].dim_value = 1 # Optimize the model optimized_model = optimize(model) # Simplify the model simplified_model, check = simplify(model) # Check if the simplified model is valid if not check: print("The simplified model is invalid!") return # ...
The 2D human pose as input provides essential human body articulation information without image appearance. Also, the proposed system avoids the representation issues, while fully exploiting the mesh topology using GraphCNN in a coarse-to-fine manner. We show that our Pose2Mesh significantly ...
1.继承关系mapping,mapping2D,mapping3D (以前叫sparse_pose_graph.h,目前名称被修改了) 类中一个很重要的类OptimizationProblem对象optimization_problem_,该类的注释是Implements the SPA loop closure method.即实现了SPA方法的闭环。 类的主要成员变量和成员函数如类图所示,其中重要的方法PoseGraph::RunOptimization(...
2021-04-07 14:45:45.485 7397-8003/cn.legym.demo I/native: I20210407 14:45:45.485903 8003 gl_context.cc:324] GL version: 3.2 (OpenGL ES 3.2 build 1.9@4971894) 2021-04-07 14:45:45.487 7397-7397/cn.legym.demo E/PreviewActivity1: onResume finished.Graph com.google.mediapipe.framework....
(i.e., the presence of bubbles, splashes and reflections), resulting in poor measurement accuracy. The use of wearable sensors (accelerometers or photoplethysmographic sensors) or optical markers, although they can guarantee high reliability and accuracy, disturb the performance of the athletes, ...