Explore Dalton Orvis's personal portfolio site showcasing his work and personal projects as a skilled software engineer and developer. Discover his many talents and expertise.
How I Solved: Open the Lock (LC #725) 4yr ago•8•0 go algorithms leetcode programming 🛑️ This won't make any sense unless you're familiar with the problem explanation on LeetCode: https:/... (read on Dev.to) The Valid Parenthesis Problem in Go ...
Summary:web application based on web2py and HTML5/javascript. Hosted by Google App Engine.(MORE) PAC MAN 3D- Personal Project Summary:3D version of the SP Pac Man ASCII made with Direct3D and C/C++.(MORE) PAC MAN ASCII- Personal Project ...
clear explanation with great examples thanks for the post Reply Leave A Comment Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Comment * Name * Email * Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.Product...
Make sure you include links to these platforms on your website so people can explore more of your work. 5 UX Engineer Portfolio Examples Xenia Lin – US-based UX Engineer Xenia’s portfolio homepageincludes an introduction about her skills, work, and experience. Xenia uses this space to high...
Alvaro Montero Software Engineer a Creative Technologist Typical technology stack React VueJS Redux Apollo Client GraphQL JavaScript CSSinJS Jest Storybook Sass CSS HTML Firebase Git Webpack Sentry What People Say About Me
Tech Lead - Software Engineer High level experience in web design and development knowledge, producing quality work. Contact Me Scroll down About Me My introduction Tech Lead, with extensive knowledge and years of experience, working in web technologies, mobile, and Ui / Ux design, delivering qual...
Well you've already seen it, but I'll go into more detail about the: tech stack, my thought process, and more. The Concept I had a portfolio website before this one, but the home page was a little text heavy and quite cluttered. I wanted something that felt cleaner, I had the fol...
This website uses cookies We use cookies to analyze how our website is being used, to personalize our website for you, and for advertisement retargeting. Show details Unclassified [#IABV2_LABEL_PURPOSES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_FEATURES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_PARTNERS#] ...
Adam Kehl's software and game design portfolio. Tutorials on game design, custom hardware and electronics, animatronics, robotics, etc.