Explore Dalton Orvis's personal portfolio site showcasing his work and personal projects as a skilled software engineer and developer. Discover his many talents and expertise.
11/01/2019 - 📄 Website with blog and portfolio using Vue.js + Nuxt + Markdown 20/02/2019 - 🎥 Build a Reactivity System 03/04/2019 - 📄 A Complete Beginner's Guide to Vue 14/05/2019 - 🎥 Construyendo una PWA con Vue: Pomodoro 20/05/2019 - 🎥 PWA con Vue: Acabamos ...
Size counts –Choose an18 to 20-pointfont size for personal details like your full name, telephone number, location, email address, and optional LinkedIn or online portfolio URL. The takeaway While adding personal details on your CV may sound like a trivial detail, they’re your first opportun...
Stripe has long been a design-focused darling of the tech world. They have consistently delivered product experiences that center around key user workflows. We are especially inspired by how they manage site navigation with such a complex portfolio....
Inside Coin’s techie vision for the all-in-one credit card 70 percent of Americans have high-speed Internet You may now sync your brokerage bills with the Finance web page to look at how your portfolio is faring in real-time. The Markets section is now built-in with the house page. ...
CuB3y0nd's Portfolio - CuB3y0nd‘s cyber security study notes「中文」 London Tech Talk - A podcast exploring technology trends and expatriate living experiences. - 日本語 CRUD Flow Blog - A technical blog about AI, Cloud Engineering, Data Science and Personal development Trillium's Blog - Mo...
which is: you just make a little progress every day.”During this period, he would say to himself:“Today, I’m going to wake up and make progress. I’m going to make progress on the litigation; I’m going to make progress on the portfolio; I’m going to make progress on my ...
I also polled my investor friends on what questions they like to get from their portfolio companies. What they shared made it clear to me that they can and want to be helpful well beyond their funds! “Good entrepreneurs are learning machines so they’re always asking for advice and guidance...
Taking a lesson from the kids, the power of showing the world positive little accomplishments builds up into a wonderful celebration of achievements and, when viewed from the outside, a nice portfolio of accomplishments. You probably have no trouble Facebooking your kid’s minor accomplishments: ...
Hybrid 195 Hybrid Honda Motors Motor 195 Mercedes-Benz previews its in-house developed operating system MB.OS Green Car Congress FEBRUARY 23, 2023 The company created its operating system to be standardized across the entire vehicle portfolio, fully updateable for rapid product upgrades and deliberatel...