求助,steam版portal2,我有一个ps4手柄,配合键鼠可以本地分屏吗。 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2019-01-25 08:37回复 不良sasasa 土豆种子 1 朋友可以本地分屏吗 来自Android客户端2楼2019-06-26 13:16 回复 yanang730 土豆种子 1 可以 3楼2019-07-01 14:54 收起回复 明人michael GLaDOS 9 ...
1️⃣ 首先,打开你的PS主机和PS Portal,确保它们都连接到同一个Wi-Fi或网络。 2️⃣ 初次联网时,可能会遇到失败提示,这是因为网络设备需要识别才能进行加速。 3️⃣ 打开联机宝App,你会发现一个新的PS4设备(或更新后显示的PS Portal),选择【PS Portal游戏通用】进行加速。 4️⃣ 加速完成后,再...
The Outer Worlds - Come to Halcyon Trailer | PS4 There's a good chance that Avowed will eventually make its way to PS5, but right now, there's no official word on that. What has been on PlayStation Plus for a while is the last major RPG from Obsidian, The Outer Worlds. Often comp...
2. Games that require a VR headset (PlayStation VR or PlayStation VR2) or additional peripherals (other than a DUALSHOCK 4, DualSense, or DualSense Edge wireless controller) are not compatible. Games that must be streamed on PS5...
2. Games that require a VR headset (PlayStation VR or PlayStation VR2) or additional peripherals (other than a DUALSHOCK 4, DualSense, or DualSense Edge wireless controller) are not compatible. Games that must be streamed on...
**Games that require a VR headset (PlayStation VR or PlayStation VR2) or additional peripherals (other than a DUALSHOCK 4, DualSense, or DualSense Edge wireless controller) are not compatible. Games that must be streamed on PS5 using a PS Plus Premium membership are not compatible. Haptic ...
Какобновлятьигрыдо PS5-версийнароссийскихаккаунтах. Напримере Resident Evil 2 Remake PS5. 80 人观看 11:12 PS Plus Essential, Extra, Deluxe, Premium, вчемразница, каккупить? PS4/PS5. Нюан...
The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered is one of my favorite single-player PlayStation Portal games and now one of the best PS5 exclusives after its current-gen release - and one that can be had for just $10/£10 if you already own the PS4 version. The experience is built for PS5, and...
Put your PS5® in the palm of your hand with PlayStation Portal™ Remote Player, giving you access to the games on your console over your home Wi-Fi. Play compatible games you have installed on your PS5® console, including your favorite games for PS5 and PS4....
Q: Sony has cloud streaming via PS+, why can't this device access that? A: Currently PS+ cloud streaming is only supported on PS4, PS5 and PC. We do not have an official answer from Sony on why the Portal does not support it. We do know that the Portal does run on Android, an...