CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES bce6b03b4f82 62771b0b9b09 "/portainer" 16 seconds ago Up 14 seconds>9000/tcp portainer [root@localhost ~]# docker run -itd --name urlos --restart always -p 9968:9968 -p 9966:9966 -v /data/urlos:/data/urlos urlos...
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES c26038331db7 centos:7 "/bin/bash" 49 seconds ago Created keen_kare 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2、启动容器 - docker start 命令 启动一个或多个已经被停止的容器,使用容器的id或者name都可以。 基本语法:docker [container] start [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [C...
curl --output compose.yaml 启动服务 docker compose up -d 6、安装辅助项目 Portainer项目:【点击进入】 version: "3.8" services: portainer: image: portainer/portainer-ce:latest container_name: portainer ports: - 9000:9000 volumes...
docker kubernetes dockerfile ui docker-compose docker-deployment docker-container docker-image docker-swarm portainer hacktoberfest docker-ui moby Resources Readme License Zlib license Code of conduct Code of conduct Activity Custom properties Stars 31.9k stars Watchers 472 watching Forks 2.5...
When we create an image from the container details, we should have some kind of visual feedback after pressing the "Create" button. For instance, the button could change color (grey?) and became non-clickable. With the current no-feedback behavior we have some Portainer users clicking ...
Portainer-io-new-container-image 点击上图中红圈圈出来的 “containers”,下一个页面会显示 “Dashboard Endpoint summary”。 Portainer-io-Docker-Container-Dash 在这个页面中,点击上图高亮和红圈圈出来的 “Containers”,就可以对容器进行监控了。 以简单的方式对容器进行监控 ...
可在界面管理 Container、Image、Network、Volume、Config Portainer.io特性 漂亮的Dashboard,很容器操作和监视 许多内置的操作模板 尽乎实时的 监视Container、Image... 支持Docker-Swarm 集群监视 安装 为 创建Volume sudo docker volume create portainer_data ...
[administrator@JavaLangOutOfMemory luga]%vi docker-compose-portainer.yamlversion:'3'services:portainer:image:portainer/portainer:latest # 镜像名称container_name:portainer # 容器名为'portainer'restart:always # 指定容器退出后的重启策略为:始终重启volumes:# 数据卷挂载路径设置,将本机目录映射到容器目录-"/...
1.选择“Contaners”菜单,单击“Add container”添加MySQL容器。2.按图示配置MySQL容器参数。 [gf]a1[/gf]①Name:自定义的容器名称 [gf]a1[/gf]②Image:容器镜像名称,例如设置mysql:5.7,系统将自动在DockerHub中拉取MySQL5.7容器镜像。 [gf]a1[/gf]③单击“publish a new network port”,添加3306端口,确保可...
-v portainer_data:/data: With this option we are mapping the named volume we created earlier called “portainer_data” to the path “/data” within the container. portainer/portainer-ce:latest: With this final line we tell Docker the image we want to use to launch Portainer on our Pi. ...