Status: Downloaded newer image for portainer/portainer:latest 8c525a0137be22965bd1e3944da622a2c4248f8ad20883f4b3ea4f8a6b11e163 [root@iZwz99sm8v95sckz8bd2c4Z ~]# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 7789d4505a00 portainer/portainer "/portainer" 6 seconds ago Up ...
- Resolved an issue with slow performance of certain actions (such as bulk removing of unused container volumes or adding of Kubernetes ingresses) when a user has a long list of notifications (shown via the bell icon in the page header). -...
dockerkubernetesdockerfileuidocker-composedocker-deploymentdocker-containerdocker-imagedocker-swarmportainerhacktoberfestdocker-uimoby Resources Readme License Zlib license Code of conduct Code of conduct Activity Custom properties Stars 32kstars Watchers ...
- Provided clarification and rewording in the UI around the 'Pull latest image' toggle in Stacks, Swarm Services and Service details update and Container recreate: - Updated embedded docker binaries in portainer and agent from 20.10.13 to 20.10.1...
Introduced the ability to trigger reload of image up to date indicators in the UI. Fixed issue where Docker Images List breaks when an image has no tags. Resolved inconsistencies between image up to date indicators of Docker Container List, Stack List and Stack Details screens....
$ docker image pull portainer/portainer $ docker image ls 可以通过运行docker image ls命令查看到,Portainer的镜像仅为74.1MB。启动Portainer,我们只需在macOS或Linux上运行如下命令: 1 2 3 4 $ docker container run -d \ -p 9000:9000 \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ portainer...
Docker image used to create the containers, the date and time of container creation, IP address of the container, Published ports, and Ownership details. To start/stop the newly created container, just select it and hit Start/stop button on the top. You can restart, pause, and remove any...
Improved security by adding a dropdown to hide environment variables in the stack UI on the details page, preventing potential exposure of sensitive information in public or share environments. Resolved an issue where hiding a container would incorrectly label the associated container image as Unused....
点击"Update endpoint",就可以看到修改后新的节点名称"docker-node1-"了,然后点击"Home",点击右边的docker-node1-节点,就可看到该节点的Docker管理信息. 接着就可以在这个web节点里进行Docker容器的创建,更名,关闭,启动,删除以及镜像,网络,volume等操作管理了 ...
docker container ls 输出: CONTAINERIDIMAGECOMMANDCREATEDSTATUSPORTSNAMES7c8a24a63ff8 louislam/uptime-kuma:1"/usr/bin/dumb-init …"21hours ago Up21hours(healthy)>3001/tcp uptime-kuma017a43cdd723 portainer/portainer-ce"/portainer"21hours ago Up21hours0.0.0.0:8000->8000/tcp,0.0.0....