This publication, sponsored by the Heritage Council of Victoria focuses as its title denotes, on maritime infrastructure and thus reflects a ‘heritage’ approach, based mainly on structures and their usages. The report is divided into two parts: Part 1 deals chronologically with 1800-1850, then ...
Wrede, gave his residential address as Altona, Port Phillip Bay. In any event Langhorne’s homestead acquired the name “Altona,” and it is in Queen Street, Altona, having served as a Council office and a community centre. “Altona” derives from a German village on the River Elbe, ...
the NSW government had already lost control of the squatters outside the Nineteen Counties, and pastoralists were moving into the Port Phillip district from across Bass Strait. When he arrived in Port Phillip as Surveyor-in-Charge, there was already a large backlog of work awaiting him, which ...
The Port of Melbourne is a city port which borders four local council areas comprising Melbourne, Port Phillip, Hobsons Bay and Maribyrnong. Neighbouring suburbs include Port Melbourne, Fishermans Bend, Docklands, Yarraville, Newport and Williamstown. To view a map of the port,click here. ...
draft city of port phillip council plan 2013-17this draft plan sEts out council's vision for thE city of port phillip and thE dElivEraBlEs for thE pEriod BEtWEEn 2013 and 2017.DRAFT
“Though the Battle of the Little Bighorn seemed for the triumphant Lakota and their allies – the largest gathering of Plains Indians ever assembled – a miraculous victory, it was for them the beginning of the end. A great council was held near the battlefield in which they made the ...
"Those arguments have zero legitimacy if we all work together, and we work to make the change happen," said the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Phillip Fine. "The Stone Age did not end because they ran out of stones, they created something better, said Oakland Councilmember and...
“Though the Battle of the Little Bighorn seemed for the triumphant Lakota and their allies – the largest gathering of Plains Indians ever assembled – a miraculous victory, it was for them the beginning of the end. A great council was held near the battlefield in which they made the ...
As proud Victorians, it suits us to forget that until July 1851 the area that we now know as Victoria was instead just the “Port Phillip District” of New South Wales. La Trobe was a mere ‘Superintendent’; the Legislative Council sat in Sydney where Port Phillip affairs were an aftertho...
I find myself comparing this with Port Phillip emigration at much the same time. There were bounty migrant schemes, but the emphasis there was on attracting labourers, both agricultural and industrial, and domestic servants. There was a general reluctance for newcomers to shift into the country ...