To head off these criticisms, the license was granted to relatively ‘respectable’ men to act as stewards: Hon Mr Murray and Messrs Cavenagh (editor of the Port Phillip Herald), Kerr (editor of the Port Phillip Patriot), Stephen, Ebden and Baxter. The theatre would only operate on Monday...
I find myself comparing this with Port Phillip emigration at much the same time. There were bounty migrant schemes, but the emphasis there was on attracting labourers, both agricultural and industrial, and domestic servants. There was a general reluctance for newcomers to shift into the country ...
draft city of port phillip council plan 2013-17this draft plan sEts out council's vision for thE city of port phillip and thE dElivEraBlEs for thE pEriod BEtWEEn 2013 and 2017.DRAFT
"Those arguments have zero legitimacy if we all work together, and we work to make the change happen," said the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Phillip Fine. "The Stone Age did not end because they ran out of stones, they created something better, said Oakland Councilmember and...
will make it, when finished, the noblest edifice in the Province.” On the ground-floor were the Library and Reading-room, and for years the Town Clerk had his official quarters in another portion of the building. The meeting place for the Town Council was upstairs in the large room. ...
"That will cause the American farmer further harm on top of the trade tariffs," he said, referring to the US-China trade war. Phillip Sanfield, a spokesperson for the port, told AFP that the drop in activity was similar to the decline experienced during the 2009 recession. ...
(by design) of the Legislative Council in Victoria; the radicalism of Queensland at the turn of the 20th century which contrasted so much with the Bjelke-Petersen era some 70 years later; the way that South Australia often seemed to be travelling its own path. This emphasis on the states ...
For my own part, I have ever considered the provisions of His Majesty’s order in Council, in 1831, for reconstructing the Supreme Courts of Judicature in certain crown colonies, when negro slavery unhappily existed, to be most wise in prohibiting the Judges from being owners of, or in any...
So we downloaded a historic walk (St Cuthbert’s trail) onto our phones from the very helpfulBayside City Council siteand off we went. I had a yen for a cemetery (as one does), so we got off the train earlier and walked down to Brighton cemetery first. ...
I’ve been taking advantage of the cheap day to go to the movies but I didn’t pay any price at all for this movie because I received two free tickets as a prize in a Council of Adult Education competition. It’s good. It’s worth going to see for Ian McKellan alone, who is ju...