1.1.19 port link-aggregation group 1.1.20 reset lacp statistics1 以太网链路聚合 1.1 以太网链路聚合配置命令 1.1.1 display interface display interface命令用来显示聚合接口的相关信息。 【命令】 display interface [ route-aggregation [ interface-number ] ] [ brief [ description | down ] ] 【视图】 ...
[sw1-Bridge-Aggregation1]intg1/0/1 进入到接口 [sw1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1]portlink-aggregation group 1 将该接口加入聚合组中 [sw1-Bridge-Aggregation1]intg1/0/2 进入到接口 [sw1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2]portlink-aggregation group 1 将该接口加入聚合组中 [sw1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2]qu [sw1]i...
betweenthememberportsintheaggregationgrouptoincrease thebandwidth.Atthesametime,dynamicbackupofeachmember portofthesameaggregationgroupenhancesthereliabilityof theconnection. BasedontheIEEE802.3ADstandardLACP(LinkAggregation ControlProtocol,LinkAggregationControlProtocol)isa ...
[SwitchA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1]port link-aggregation group 1 6.端口G1/0/2与端口G1/0/1的配置一致 7. 建立汇聚组2 [SwitchA]interface bridge-aggregation 2 8.进入端口G1/0/3 [SwitchA]interface gigabitethernet1/0/3 9.参与端口汇聚的端口设置成全双工模式 [SwitchA-GigabitEthernet1/0/3]duplex ...
23 converged into a link. Hand pooling: Configuration of the first switch: [H3CA] link - aggregation group 10 mode manual [H3CA] interface Ethernet 1/0/24 H3CA - Ethernet1/0/24 port link aggregation group - 10 Can not specify a loopback - detection enable port as aggregation group ...
port link-aggregation group 1 在Kubernetes中实现端口链路汇聚(port link-aggregation)组1(group 1)是一个常见的操作,特别是在需要提高网络带宽和可靠性的场景下。在本文中,我将向你介绍如何通过Kubernetes实现这一操作,以及详细的步骤和代码示例。 ### 步骤概述...
问题描述: 想把端口g1/0/49设置成port linkaggregation group1,但是输完命令后提示:can't assgin the port to the aggregation group because its attribute configurations are different than the aggregate interface 组网及组网描述: 设备是接入层交换机 型号 s5130 2022-12-24提问 举报 (0) ...
步骤1 将原来已加入的聚合组的端口退出 步骤2 删除聚合组 命令参考如下,(具体的端口号,聚合组 请根据你的实际情况修改):interface GigabitEthernet 0/8 undo port link-aggregation group 1 quit undo link-aggregation group 1
Groupgroupname[.instance] groupnameidentifies the link aggregation group. When a shared port group is in use on a global virtual switch, the group name is displayed with an instance number in the formatgroupname.instance. This is most useful when the shared port group is in use by more tha...