当你在Mac上遇到“mac port: command not found”这个错误时,这通常意味着port命令(即MacPorts的一部分)没有在你的系统路径(PATH)中被找到,或者MacPorts尚未被安装在你的系统上。以下是一些解决这个问题的步骤: 1. 确认用户的环境和上下文 首先,确认你正在使用的是Mac操作系统,并且你期望使用MacPorts来管理软件包...
sudo portinstall graphviz 执行报错: sudo: port:command not found 其实是未设置环境变量,执行下面的语句: export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH 即可解决 参考: https://graphviz.org/download/#mac https://blog.csdn.net/m0_52327965/article/details/115122118...
最后在这个地址https://www.macports.org/install.php里进行相应版本的macport的下载。 环境变量的配置 至此,官网教程结束。但是你会发现还是不能正常运行,还是熟悉的command not found,这是因为macport没有添加到$PATH搜索路径中。你需要在用户目录下的.bash_profile文档里加入: export PATH=/opt/local/bin...
nodename nor servname provided, or not known during putty ssh connection in mac i have tried connected with the server hostname and port in the putty and ppk files that i have from windows putty and gives me error I have installed putty in my mac air monetery latest version but when i ...
in order to get rid of the 'Found duplicate mac-address', default the interface: 2950(config)#default interface FastEthernet0/1 Not sure if that is a flaw in PT, usually, 'clear port-security' should work. With regard to your second question, I don't see the static MAC address ? 6...
If the original service traffic and mirrored traffic need to be forwarded in the same VLAN, run the mac-address learning disable command to disable MAC address learning in this VLAN (VLAN 10 in this example). However, disabling MAC address learning will waste link bandwidth, especially when ...
Can’t ping AitPort Time Capsule from internet For example my ip is I run command on my mac to ping it (ping but all packets fails But I can ping it in local network Can enabled NAT-PMP be reason of this? 2 years ago 303 3 18...
MAC アドレス (NetBIOS クエリ) Mspclnt.ini ファイル情報 (ISA Server クエリ) PortQry は、解析、書式設定、およびテスト レポートの一部としてサービスまたはプログラムからの応答を返します。 ローカル コンピューターのトラブルシューティングを行う追加のテスト ...
Cross-platform, whether you are windows, linux, mac, or even raspberry pie, you can run the proxy very well. Multi-protocol support, support for HTTP(S), TCP, UDP, Websocket, SOCKS5 proxy. TCP/UDP port forwarding. Support intranet penetration, protocol supports TCP and UDP. SSH relay, ...