问题描述: Mac系统在打开Terminal的时候,报错-bash : : command not found。 问题分析: 报错并不影响Terminal的使用,于是忽略不计。但是在修改.bash_profile文件后,为了使配置生效,使用source命令,也是报错-bash : : command not found。 开始以为是source命令找不到,将/bin加入到环境变量中,还是报这个错误。 问题...
go through steps below to add it to the $PATH. For example, if you run into the "zsh: command not found: brew" error on Mac and you notice your Homebrew is stored at /opt/homebrew/bin, rather than the regular /usr/local/. Follow these solutions to fix it: ...
Mac Terminal(终端)命令不能用 最近一次在用终端敲命令的时候发现命令总是不执行(只有cd命令可以正常执行),返回命令未识别的错误-bash: source: command not found相信很多朋友也会遇到类似的问题。 解决步骤: 1.命令行输入: export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin 这样可以保证命令行命...
command not found by installing boot USB drive Goodmorning everyone, I want to make an OSX El Capitan USB drive for a clean install on a 2007 iMac. I want to make this USB drive on my 2018 MacBook Pro and tried the support site from apple to make an bootable USB drive. But when I...
However, it seems like it didn't due to the fact that the terminal window is saying, "command input not found". Can someone help to rectify this??? Thanks. 3 years ago 1742 13 Trying to disable debug over a year ago i turned on debug on my Mid 2012 MacBook Pro, Im using ...
How to fix "command not found" error in Mac To fix the command not found error in your Mac Terminal, ensure that the command is spelt correctly, while its path is included in the system PATH variable. Don't let the command not found error stop you from using your device.To troubleshoo...
今天想 ping 一个地址,打开 mac 的 terminal,敲入 ping xxx.com, 然后发现提示:-bash: ping: command not found。 #惊吓 后来发现大约是今天配置了太多奇怪的东西,环境变量被改乱了。 export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH ...
注意:Linux系统下通常为~/.bashrc文件,而Mac下为~/.bash_profile文件。 MacOS Catalina下的环境变量配置 绕了一大圈,到现在,我还没有说清楚自己遇到的问题,就是,在安装完全新的MacOS Catalina系统后,打开终端之后,习惯性地敲下ll命令,很尴尬,Command Not Found,原因在于,MacOS默认时没有提供ll命令的,通常需要自己...
Mac下使用Eclipse的Show in Terminal提示command not found: mvn,在Mac下一般配置了Maven的环境变了一般都不会提示,但是如果使用zsh的扩展之后,系统默认的环境变量配置文件会发生变化,尤其使用Eclipse打开终端时,默认不会去读取用户目录下的~/.bashrc文件,那么就必须
我只想问另外一个问题……Mac需要配置java吗?我记得之前自己安装过一次jdk,version有输出啊 ...