年份: 2021 理念: 用于客户赛事的单座赛车 车重/尺寸: 总重量:约 1,260 kg 长度:4,585 mm 宽度:1,920 mm (前桥) /1,902 mm (后桥) 轴距:2,459 mm 发动机: 后置6 缸水平对置 (boxer) 水冷发动机 排量3,996 cm3;冲程 81.5 mm;缸径 102mm 最大功率约 375 kW (510 PS) ;对应转速 8,400 rpm ...
The Porsche Carrera Cup Great Britain is made up of identical and exhilarating - 510 hp 911 GT3 Cup cars, therefore focusing on the pure driving skill of racing. This creates a thrilling, close race environment and provides superb facilities for both drivers and teams. ...
Porsche 911 GT3 CUP,买台不能上路的公路车,还不如买台赛车呢,还能参加保时捷的比赛,而且赛车那...
Raced in more than 20 race series around the world, including the Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge USA the 911 GT3 Cup is available to simracers on iRacing
https://www.topgearhk.com/2020/12/18/porsche-911-gt3-cup%e6%ad%a2%e6%96%bc%e8%87%b3%e5%96%84/?fbclid=IwAR20TDFPBvH9AzpH7qV6KqDJkb5b0xSFlhlkfKUNVj4FT32OeMu1L6fdJL4Porsche 911 GT3 Cup止於至善Posted 18/12/20踏入992世代,保時捷911似乎已施盡渾身解數,但心水清
Porsche 911 GT3 cup.The article evaluates the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup car from Porsche AG.EBSCO_AspRoad & Track
Packaging Details Dimensions (L x W x H)38cm x 39cm x 9cm Weight1.74kg Volume weight2.67kg What's included Podium Wheel Rim Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (suede) Aluminium bolts Podium Podium Button Module Rally €269.95 *
保时捷 911 GT3 Cup 项目主管 Jan Feldmann “希望将这款全新 911 GT3 Cup 定位为专业的赛车,同时也让车队的运营更划算。我们成功的实现了这一目标,这要归功于其吸引人的外观、改进的悬挂系统和在电气细节上的智能解决方案。全新 911 GT3 Cup 的操控更加精准,驾驶起来更加有乐趣。凭借提升的性能和...
Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Drivers NEWS Nov 27, 20242 min read Porsche Carrera Cup Benelux 2025: an appealing and exciting calendar awaits Now, all eyes turn to 2025, which promises to build on the success of past seasons with... MORE NEWS ...