ls_message_tab-msgty = 'E'.ls_message_tab-msgv1 = 'Error Message'.lv_lineno = lv_...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development There are different methods available in ABAP to display messages in a popup window. In this article, one simple method is introduced by using the function module C14Z_MESSAGES_SHOW_AS_POPUP. This function module will accept an internal table populated with ...
简述:POPUP就是在你执行按钮后会弹出一个框,告诉客户你是否确定要执行下一步的提示框,在工作中经常会用到,分成2小部分。 part1:参照前面教程做一个简易的清空按钮程序。 REPORTZPOP.DATAYESNOTYPECHAR1.SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF blockb1with frametitletext-001.parameters:username(10)typec.selection-screen: pu...
POPUP_TO_DECIDE_WITH_MESSAGE Even if most of thesefunctionmodules are obsolete also in SAP4.7, I would like to analyze it because are largely used. Below for each obsoletefunctionmoduleI give the new coding (default use) through POPUP_TO_CONFIRM. 1. POPUP_FOR_INFO: CALLFUNCTION'POP...
MODIFY TABLE_NAME FROM TABLE TABLE_WA. "确认操作MESSAGE ‘删除操作已确认!‘ TYPE ‘S‘ .ELSEIF g_return = ‘2‘ OR g_return = ‘A‘.MESSAGE ‘删除操作已经取消!‘ TYPE ‘S‘ .ENDIF.ENDIF.结果图:附上函数功能参数图:SAP ABAP编程 弹出按选择对话框函数-'POPUP_TO_CONFIRM'时间: 01-04...
公众号:matinal 本文作者:matinal 原文出处: 原文链接:【MM系列】SAP ABAP POPUP弹出框自建内容 前言部分 大家可以关注我的公众号,公众号里的排版更好,阅读更舒适。 正文部分 可以自己设计内容,仅供参考
How do you send popup message to a specific user in sap by running a function module, SM02 sends messages to all users, not a specific one So use function module TH_POPUP Go to Transaction code SE37 enter the function module name & test run it the the re
SAP ABAP弹出选择框函数汇总 ** 介绍几个abap中的弹出选择框函数: ** 1, POPUP_TO_DECIDE_LIST 弹出供选择窗口,最多为25个选项选择可以是单选或是多选. 缺点是弹出窗口的大小不能设置,只和 textline1/textline2中的文本长度相关。 代码: 弹出供选择窗口,最多为25个选项选择可以是单选或是多选....
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Check ouot this simple program which has checkbox in pop up. Pop up is created using the command Window. Moderator message - Please respect the 2,500 character maximum when posting. Post only the relevant portions of code Edited by: Arunsri on Oct ...