If you close the popup, the message disappears as well. In this case, use tcode SE84 to launch repository information system, specify Short Description with value: *cannot be used as proxy object Then you get answer: message id DDLS, value 444. Or if you already know that the table ...
From the callstack I can understand the usage of this dialog is for XHR logon, since it is necessary to also retrieve remote catalog information from another system, Q7D: Type two: Message dialog You can see one example below. And now your requirement is to find out which line of code...
Return useful information about a day. Will tell you the day of the week as a word (Tuesday), the day of the week (2 would be Tuedsay), whether the day is a holiday, and more.(provided by Francois Henrotte)? CLPB_IMPORT :从剪贴板导入internal table CLPB_EXPORT : 从internal table输...
alert,confirm,error,information,show,success,warning Msaage Strip 可以在应用中嵌入消息的控件 customIcon :自定义图标 enableFormattedText :是否可以使用html标签 项目名 newDemo manifest.json "sap.ui5": { "rootView": { "viewName": "newDemo.view.view", ...
However in some case the icon is not available for click, for example below, there is a popup window displayed and you could not double click the icon. If you close the popup, the message disappears as well. In this case, use tcode SE84 to launch repository information system, specify ...
Purpose You want to change sizes of the message popup for better display of longer messages. Technical Background Message popup can be modified by use of CSS. You have
And then click the icon again, breakpoint is triggered. From the callstack I can understand the usage of this dialog is for XHR logon, since it is necessary to also retrieve remote catalog information from another system, Q7D: Type two: Message dialog You can see one example below. ...
Hi all I want to show a popup message. I tried using the IF_WD_MESSAGE_MANAGER's REPORT_ERROR_MESSAGE method. While calling I gave SHOW_AS_POPUP = abap_true. Still it is
Now I want to do this "part of coding" in my own program - then I can change the text of the popup a little bit. What I am doing: REPORT ztest_user_popup.INCLUDE tskhincl.DATA: client LIKE sy-mandt, user LIKE sy-uname, new_message(512), message_len LIKE sy-index, loc_cut_...