In 2023, the median age of the population of the United States was 39.2 years. While this may seem quite young, the median age in 1960 was even younger, at 29.5 years. The aging population in the United States means that society is going to have to find a way to adapt to the larger...
In most human societies, there are taboos and laws banning mating between first- and second-degree relatives, but actual prevalence and effects on health and fitness are poorly quantified. Here, we leverage a large observational study of ~450,000 participants of European ancestry from the UK Biob...
The population of dogs kept as pets in the United Kingdom (UK) was estimated at 13.5 million in 2024, which is an increase of around 1.5 million from the previous year. Dog ownership in the UK As the population of dogs grew in the United Kingdom over
The benefits of increasing populations’ and individuals’ fibre intake on non-communicable disease risk have been known and promoted for decades in the UK and in the world. Public health campaigns, including dietary recommendations, called populations to increase their consumption of whole grains, fru...
Electricity demand from UK data centers will jump sixfold over the next 10 years as a boom in artificial intelligence requires increased computing power, according to the head of National Grid Plc. That will ramp up pressure on the country’s electricity network, which must move vast quantities...
In depth analysis of the 2001 and 2011 censuses by the Muslim Council of Britain has found that the number of children who identify as Muslims in the UK has almost doubled in a decade. A third of all Muslims in the UK are under 15, while just four per cent are over 65. ...
BMI is known to be strongly associated with all-cause mortality, but few studies have been large enough to reliably examine associations between BMI and a comprehensive range of cause-specific mortality outcomes.In this population-based cohort study, we used UK primary care data from the Clinical...
Mitochondrial haplotype does not influence sperm motility in a UK population of men BACKGROUND: Sperm motility is regulated by mitochondrial enzymes that are partially encoded by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). MtDNA has therefore been suggeste... JA Mossman,S Jon,TR Birkhead,... - 《Human Reproductio...
15.With the average number of children in a British family falling under an average of 2.0.compared with the traditional 2.4children.the population of the UK has been falling for quite a few years.Why aren't British people having as many children as th
The median age of the UK population is projected to reach 44.5 years by 2050, compared to 34.9 years in 1950. This aging trend is indicative of broader global demographic shifts, with the median age of people worldwide forecasted to increase from 23.6 years in 1950 to 41.9 years by 2100....