Largest Ecuadorian-American population groups in the U.S., by county 2010 Number of people living in Lyon, France 2020, by gender Male to female ratio in the Soviet Union in 1950, by age TopicsPre-industrial DemographicsPopulationUrbanization in VietnamDemographics of the UKDemographics of Japan...
2,7 Various genetic data (classic markers, mitochondrial DNAs, Y chromosomes and genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)) have confirmed the coexistence of three major human populations on the Japanese Archipelago: Ainu in Hokkaido, Ryukyuans in the Southern Islands and Mainland Japanese....
Type I CRISPR-Cas systems are abundant and widespread adaptive immune systems in bacteria and can greatly enhance bacterial survival in the face of phage infection. Upon phage infection, some CRISPR-Cas immune responses result in bacterial dormancy or slowed growth, which suggests the outcomes for ...
Trefor JenkinsPalgrave Macmillan UKKromberg J, Jenkins T. Cultural influences on the perception of genetic disorders in the black population of southern Africa. In: Clarke A, Parsons E, eds. Culture, Kinship and Genes. London: Macmillan, 1997:147-157....
8 and Anne Roussin1 Abstract Background: While essential medicines have been made more available in all but the most remote areas in low and middle income countries (L/MICs) over the past years, inappropriate and incorrect use of good quality medicines remains a key impediment for public ...
A Map of sampling localities throughout the Tropical Western Atlantic. PA Bocas del Toro, Panama, CC Cayos Cochinos, Honduras, UT Utila, Honduras, MX Mahahual, Mexico, FT Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, UK Upper Keys, Florida, MK Middle Keys, Florida, LK Lower Keys, Florida, BH Eleuthera, Ba...
Corresponding Author: Peter Watkinson, MD, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, Level 6, West Wing, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford OX3 9DU, England ( Author Contributions: Dr Clift had full access to all of the data in the stud...
Assessment and effective utilization of genetic diversity in breeding programs is crucial for sustainable genetic improvement and rapid adaptation to changing breeding objectives. During the past two decades, the commercialization of the early and extra-
Hearing loss has been associated with individual cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors and, to a lesser extent, CVD risk metrics. However, these relationships are understudied in clinical populations. We conducted a retrospective study of electronic health records to evaluate the relationship between...
Consumption of illicit drugs poses health risks to the public and environment. Knowledge on their usage helps better implementations of intervention strategies to reduce drug-related harms in the society and also policies to limit their releases as emerg