honor of King Charles I ofEngland, North andSouth Carolinawere one colony until 1729. The nameMichiganis derived from the Ojibwa Indian word 'meicigama' means 'large water', a state is known for its great lakes.New Jerseywas named after the Isle of Jersey, an Island in the English ...
Introduction, 2.--Previous discussions, 2.--Fertility rates, 7.--Lack of adequate data makes it impossible to reach precise conclusions of New England dying out, 9.--But such data as are available support the contention that the natives of New England are not maintaining their numbers, 14....
The Netherlands is a densely populated country on the northwestern edge of the European continent, bounded by Germany, Belgium and the North Sea. The country is divided into twelve provinces and has a complex demographic history, with occupation by several Germanic peoples since the collapse of the...
7、2780369Since the establishment of different colonies has different times, the arrival of the peak of population growth is sooner or later. New England and the upper part of the South roughly began to grow considerably in population from 1670s, while the growth of the population in the centr...
Thus he concluded that the excessive growth of human populations must be controlled by high death rates resulting from poverty, disease, starvation, and war. Malthus could not foresee the great advances in science and technology which permitted a fivefold increase in the population of England since...
(2015). Retrospective small area forecasts were produced for a 10-year horizon and compared to actual population estimates in Australia, New Zealand, and England & Wales. Of the methods evaluated, the best models were found to be a modified share-of-growth model (calculated as shares of ...
Glacial cycles play important roles in determining the phylogeographic structure of terrestrial species, however, relatively little is known about their impacts on the distribution of marine biota. This study utilised modern (n = 350) and ancient (
Early attempts to take a census in England an attempt which ran into religious opposition because of a Biblical admonition against numbering the people Early guesses are unreliable but it is known that populations fluctuated widely as they would increase then fall victim to war or disease. It is...
The Public Dental Service of Västerbotten County (Sweden) recommends using population-based prevention strategies combined with an individual strategy for high-risk patients to manage caries. To facilitate this management strategy, all patients are ev
GBD 2015 Risk Factors Collaborators (2016) Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, enviro. Lancet (London, England) 388:1659–1724. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31679-8 Article Google Scholar Gonçalves H, González DA, Araújo CP, Muniz L,...