Parliamentary enclosure and population change in England, 1750-1830decision makingfuzzy set theorypower distribution reliabilityAHPanalytic hierarchy processcomprehensive evaluation index systemdistribution network reliabilityfuzzy layerreliability assessing theory system...
In virtually every area of Europe, the population increased by 50 to 100 percent in the eighteenth century, with the greatest growth coming after 1750.(18世纪,欧洲几乎所有地区的人口都增长了50%到100%,其中增长最快的是1750年以后。)”显然,后面三个地方是对前面信息的补充例证。选项A表述正确。
A后的内容便是population revolution发生的原因,因此,A空处适合插入。
In England between 1700 and 1750, approximately 32.8 people were born annually for every 1,000 inhabitants, and 31.5 people died. Similarly, in Lombardy in the eighteenth century, 39 people were born and 37 people died for every 1,000 inhabitants. Clearly, a major alteration had to occur in...
The population explosion resulted from a break in the traditional, if approximate, balance between births and deaths in European society. In England between 1700 and 1750, approximately 32.8 people were born annually for every 1,000 inhabitants, and 31.5 people died. Similarly, in Lombardy in the...
In England between 1700 and 1750, approximately 32.8 people were born annually for every 1,000 inhabitants, and 31.5 people died. Similarly, in Lombardy in the eighteenth century, 39 people were born and 37 people died for every 1,000 inhabitants. Clearly, a major alteration had to occur in...
In France and England, taking the highest proportion, it is as 117 to 100. Great and astonishing as this difference is, we ought not to be so wonder-struck at it as to attribute it to the miraculous interposition of heaven. The causes of it are not remote, latent and mysterious; but ...
The United States juvenile justice court was based on the English parens patriae adopted in the United States as part of the legal tradition of England. But the efforts of the state to rehabilitate juvenile offenders with institutional treatment with the houses of refuge and reformatories failed. ...
This manufacturing expansion helped sustain the growing population, but it could also encourage a higher birth rate...began to produce children earlier...having an extra child or two might help the family economy by providing additional worker-assistants.
Thoreau became a pillar of New England Transcendentalism, embracing and exemplifying the movement’s belief in the universality of creation and the primacy of personal insight and experience. Perhaps best remembered for his advocacy of simple, principled living, his writings on the relationship between...