The gold-shaded counties are those in which Blacks are the predominant group, while the brown shaded counties are White, not Hispanic predominant. One county in Texas is Hispanic predominant, while another single county in North Carolina has Native Americans as its largest group. Nine counties (<...
Interestingly, the population of the central city of Guadalajara decreased by 152,185 to 1,494,134. In this post, we look at the pattern of population change for the other municipalities in the state of Jalisco. The map shows the average annual percentage change in population for the period...
The Negro's Civil War: How American Blacks Felt and Acted During the War for the Union In this classic study, Pulitzer Prize-winning author James M. McPherson deftly narrates the experience of blacks--former slaves and soldiers, preachers, visionaries, doctors, intellectuals, and common people-...
The results showed that the MAPRRAPE was more reliable than air pollution concentration model in determining population exposure risks by demographic characteristics. The high risk areas of whites exposed to SO2 were larger than blacks and the other races due to a large number of whites, and ...
High sodium diets with inadequate potassium and high sodium-to-potassium ratios are a known determinant of hypertension and cardiovascular disease (CVD). The Caribbean island of Barbados has a high prevalence of hypertension and mortality from CVD. Our o
3D maps. A few years after the Hexgrid was developed, I developed a number of ways to 3D map population health, using centroids (zip or census blockgroups/blacks), traditional grids/spline mapping, and hexgrids, in single and multi-tiered (layered) mapping. Each of these have since been...
3 If current rates of national population change trend as they have for the past 20 years, by 2035, non-Hispanic whites will be outnumbered by minorities. In fact, Hawaii, California, New Mexico, and Texas have minority non-Hispanic white populations today. This minority-to-majority flip ...
Argentina,countryofSouth America, covering most of the southern portion of the continent. The world’s eighth largest country, Argentina occupies an area more extensive thanMexicoand theU.S.state ofTexascombined. Itencompassesimmenseplains,deserts,tundra, andforests, as well as tallmountains,rivers,...
Texas,Virginia, andWest Virginia. The South was historically set apart from other sections of the country by a complex of factors: a longgrowing season, itsstaplecrop patterns, the plantation system, and Black agricultural labour, whether slave or free. White domination of Blacks characterized ...
A great wave of European immigration after the mid-1800s molded the present-day ethnic character of Argentina. The Indians and mestizos were pushed aside (mainly to the Andean provinces) or absorbed, and the blacks and mulattos disappeared, apparently also absorbed into the dominant population. ...