Overall, Chicago's population is declining, but the city is becoming more racially diverse. Populations of people of Asian and Hispanic origin are growing, while the numbers of Caucasians and Blacks are decreasing. 04 of 20 Houston, Texas: Population 2,303,482 Westend61 / Getty Images Houston...
He was elected to the city council(市政厅)ten years ago. At the time of the Los Angeles election,three other American cities already had black mayors,but none of those cities had as large a population as Los Angeles. Besides the percentage of blacks in those other cities was much larger...
Thousands of Blacks moved into Mexico from the USA before it abolished slavery in 1865. However, today there are very very few black faces in Mexico. One can spend weeks in Mexico’s major cities without seeing a Black Mexican. If one pays close attention, they can identify people of ...
previous studies revealed a disparate impact on Asian-owned businesses in the first few months of the pandemic, the message was overshadowed by the discussions of other typically disadvantaged minority groups, such as Blacks and Hispanics. Hence, many questions remain unanswered....
The high risk areas of whites exposed to SO2 were larger than blacks and the other races due to a large number of whites, and other age groups exposed to SO2 were larger than children and the old people. In addition, the correlation analyses showed that the relative risks of population by...
judge.Thomas Bradley had to form an opinion of him.The son of a poor farmer Texas, he joined the Los Angeles police force in 1940.During his twenty-one years on the police force he earned a law degree by attending school at night.He was elected to the city council(市政厅)ten years ...
the country would remain at or near the replacement level to avoid population decline as in Europe. Although fertility levels do vary among ethnic groups, the TFR for U.S. non-Hispanic white women in 1992 was nonetheless 1.8; for blacks, it was 2.4; Asian and Pacific Islanders, 1.9; Ameri...
Thefirstwavebeganinthemid1810s,grewsteadilyduringthe1830sand40sandreachedthehighestpointin1845.英语国家概况施叶丽 Thesecondwavecoveredtheperiodbetween1860and1890.英语国家概况施叶丽 Thethirdwave,thelargestofthethreewaves,bringingtotheUnitedStatesatotalof15millionimmigrantsbetween1890and1914,wasdrawnverylargelyfrom...
In a first stage, we carried out a meta-analysis of lipid traits based on three samples of Mexican ancestry (from Mexico City and Starr County, Texas) comprising 4,383 individuals. In a second stage, we followed up the lead SNPs corresponding to the genome-wide and highly suggestive ...
Group I represents a much larger share of the total. The dominance of HIV/AIDS observed in Blacks in the United States was akin to that in developing regions of the world. It was the third leading cause among black women in the US and the fifth leading cause among females in developing ...