The Socio-Economic Sustainability of Refugee Return: Insights from Burundi Fransen, Sonja Experimental Research Methods in Migration: From Natural to True Experiments Balaz, Vladimir;Williams, Allan M. Social Trust Between Rural Migrants and Urban Locals in China - Exploring the Effects of Residential...
In 2022, the prevalence of obesity was less than 5% among women in six countries (3%; Viet Nam, Timor-Leste, Japan, Burundi, Madagascar, and Ethiopia) and among men in 17 countries (9%) in south and southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. It surpassed 60% among women in eight countries...
(2014). Schooling, violent conflict, and gender in Burundi. The World Bank Economic Review, 28(2), 384–411. Article Google Scholar Villers, G. de. (2005). La guerre dans les évolutions du Congo-Kinshasa. Afrique contemporaine, n: 215(3): 47–...
Pop3 was a group of 21 rice genotypes among which 10 were from AfricaRice, five from IRRI-Burundi, five from INERA-DRC and one from IRRI-Kenya. Pop4 (n = 37) was formed by genotypes from all the five sources though mainly comprised of AfricaRice genotypes (19) and IRRI-Burundi ...