Burundi (Person mn) 15.043 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028 Cambodia (Person mn) 16.977 2028 yearly 1986 - 2028 Cameroon (Person mn) 32.244 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028 Canada (Person mn) 42.190 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028 Cape Verde (Person mn) 0.612 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028 Central African Repub...
The most reliable, complete and accurate source for subnational population composition is usually represented by country-level census-based data that cover the whole country population. Thus, for those countries where age and sex structure data were available from a recent national census, these were ...
The Socio-Economic Sustainability of Refugee Return: Insights from Burundi Fransen, Sonja Experimental Research Methods in Migration: From Natural to True Experiments Balaz, Vladimir;Williams, Allan M. Social Trust Between Rural Migrants and Urban Locals in China - Exploring the Effects of Residential...
A large empirical literature has debated the existence of a U-shaped happiness-age curve. This paper re-examines the relationship between various measures
The current US Census Bureau world population estimate in June 2019 shows that the current global population is 7,577,130,400 people on earth, which far exceeds the world population of 7.2 billion in 2015. Our own estimate based on UN data shows the world's population surpassing 7.7 billion...
Britannica’s WorldDataeditors using a combination of statistical sources that include national sources (print and online),United Nations World Population Prospects,the U.S. Bureau of the Census International Data Base, databases of other international organizations, andEncyclopædia Britannica’s own ...