Studies lynx population characteristics in relation to snowshoe hare densities in a refugium in the Yukon Territory between 1986 and 1994. Lynx density peaks; Characteristic high mortality and emigration during lynx decline; Breeding adult proportions; Yearling female reproduction; Kit survival; Annual ...
It is in the North, however, that Aboriginal people are a significant segment of the population – 35% of the population of Yukon, 50% of Northwest Territories, and 85% of Nunavut. Increasingly, the Aboriginal population of Canada is an urban one. Just over half (54%) of Aboriginal ...
Plum has a population density of 949.1 people per square mile. Plum Demographics What is the voting age population of Plum, Pennsylvania? The total voting age population of Plum, Pennsylvania, meaning US citizens 18 or older, is 21,629. The voting age population is 48.3% male and 51.7...
Rejection of the density-independent model would support management actions focused on habitat improvement. © 2012 The Wildlife Society. La poblacione de Somateria mollissima v-nigrum en el Delta Yukon-Kuskokwim de Alaska occidental decayó 50–90% de 1957 a 1992 y luego se estabilizó a un...
Heatmap of 10,106 SNPs across the twelve potato chromosomes. The color intensity indicates the density of markers in that segment of the chromosome (white, low density; maroon, high density). SNP density is shown to increase toward the ends of the chromosomes where gene density is higher. Fu...
We used radiotelemetry to monitor proximate causes of mortality of snowshoe hares during a population increase, peak, and decline at Kluane Lake, Yukon. Predation and starvation rates increased 1.6- and 9-fold, respectively, in the winter of peak population density. Predation accounted for 58% ...
Alaska and the Yukon Territory generally experienced another widespread, early spring breakup,except for the North Slope which was late and the Old Crow Flats where perhaps more normalphenology occurred. There was some flooding along some of the major rivers. Generally, favorable waterfowl production ...
(3) Wolverines perceived human presence as a threat30, such that recreation and human development42caused measurable spatial avoidance by wolverines. We expected that wolverine detection was lower in areas with higher numbers of humans on camera, and that density was lower in areas with high ...
Christian, J.,Effect of population size on the adrenal glands and reproductive organs of male mice in populations of fixed size,Am. J. Physiol., 1955, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 292–300. Google Scholar Christian, J.,Phenomena associated with population density,Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S...
Biases in the estimation of the demographic parameters of a snowshoe hare population 1. Survival rates and natalities for a population of snowshoe hares in the Yukon were estimated independently of and simultaneously with estimates of popul......