Long distances and low population density can also mean higher service delivery costs which can result in reduced access to health services and health professionals [54]. Type 2 diabetes also plays a significant role in the health of Canada’s Aboriginal people. Prior to 1940, type 2 diabetes ...
Population densityYukonWe adapted Owen-Smith's general growth-metabolism-mortality (GMM) model to estimate the abundance of a population of Dall sheep ( Ovis dalli dalli) in the southwest Yukon, Canada. Estimated sheep densities using the GMM approach (18–32 sheep/km 2) approximated long-term...
Density, demography, and seasonal movement of snowshoe hares in central Colorado Snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), their famous 10-year population cycle, and close association with Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) have been well-studied i... JS Ivan - 《Dissertations & Theses Gradworks》 被引量: ...
Alaska and the Yukon Territory generally experienced another widespread, early spring breakup,except for the North Slope which was late and the Old Crow Flats where perhaps more normalphenology occurred. There was some flooding along some of the major rivers. Generally, favorable waterfowl production ...
In: Veroustrate F, Bartholome E, Verstraten W (eds) Proceedings of the second international vegetation user conference, pp 211–218. Antwerp, Belgium Fowler CW (1981) Density dependence as related to life history strategy. Ecology 62:602–610 Article Google Scholar Gaillard JM, Festa-...
“We had meanwhy wehere managelow density populations forever We’re justhereto sit doesn’tmake much sense spend12 million SaidGovernor Walter Hickel “You can’t just let nature run wild fewpeople outside departmentsaw singlespecies management atits worst saidMelody Bankers WolfHaven Former ...
We examined the role of population density in host selection behavior of an eruptive insect herbivore, the spruce beetle Dendroctonus rufipennis. We conducted field and laboratory experiments on spruce beetles from 29 endemic and eruptive populations in Alaska and Utah, USA, and Yukon, Canada. ...
Fertility was weakly correlated to population density for the subpopulation on a south-facing slope, but this was not consistent across the entire study area. The census data was then used to conduct the first population viability analysis (PVA) for any member of the Ochotonidae. Several of ...
Group size of gregarious ungulates typically are fluid and may be density dependent. Local people in Yukon, Canada, were concerned that increasing abundance of reintroduced bison ( Bison bison ) would result in larger groups, leading to increased human-bison conflicts (e.g., property damage, ...