Population density is calculated as population divided by total land area. The European city-state of Monaco is the most densely populated country with a population density of 25,927 people per sq. km (67,150/sq mile), and its population only numbers in thousands. The Chinese territory of ...
Influence of population density and access to sanitation on COVID-19 in Mozambiquedoi:10.5281/zenodo.5123286Edgar Cambaza
In terms of inhabitants per square kilometer, Nigeria only ranks eighth, while Mauritius has the highest population density on the whole African continent. The fastest growing world region Africa is the second most populous continent in the world, after Asia. Nevertheless, Africa records the ...
The value for Urban population in Mozambique was 11,587,640 as of 2020. As the graph below shows, over the past 60 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 11,587,640 in 2020 and a minimum value of 493,457 in 1960.Definition: Urban population refers to people living in urban ...
Density, people/km2 202639M20M20M2.07%78.1530.4688.24 203041M20M21M1.75%78.9431.6991.56 204044M22M22M1.04%80.7734.4098.47 205046M23M23M0.60%82.4437.20103.38 Highest City Populations in Morocco Show Top 20 Top 100 All RankCityPopulation, Urban AreaPopulation, City ...
Levels of genetic diversity, selfing rates (∼16%) and patterns of spatial genetic structure (Sp ∼ 0.006) were similar in all three populations. However, the extent of gene dispersal differed markedly among populations: the average distance of pollen dispersal increased with decreasing density ...
Density, people/km2 202648M24M24M2.76%78.1228.8620.16 203050M25M25M2.24%78.8029.3021.14 204056M28M28M1.68%80.4230.9923.36 205061M31M30M1.23%81.9433.9225.58 Highest City Populations in Algeria Show Top 20 Top 100 All RankCityPopulation, Urban AreaPopulation, City ...
RankCCA3Country/TerritoryCapitalContinent2022 Population2020 Population2015 Population2010 Population2000 Population1990 Population1980 Population1970 PopulationArea (km²)Density (per km²)Growth RateWorld Population Percentage 2 36 AFG Afghanistan Kabul Asia 41128771 38972230 33753499 28189672 19542982 ...
The area below the kernel ‘density’ for the agricultural sector is equal to 0.45, showing that 45% of the world population relies on agriculture for its livelihood. The distribution of the agricultural population is located to the left of the non-agricultural distribution implying that households...
Density, people/km2 2026133M66M66M4.04%68.9319.83117.79 2030145M73M72M3.95%70.0720.76128.60 2040175M88M88M3.42%72.3523.31155.68 2050205M103M103M2.68%74.2126.27182.24 Highest City Populations in Ethiopia Show Top 20 Top 100 All RankCityPopulation, Urban AreaPopulation, City ...