34.People of Namibia | Demographics, Population & Tribes Lesson & Quiz 35.Togo Ethnic Groups Lesson & Quiz 36.Liberia Ethnic Groups Lesson & Quiz 37.Guinea Ethnic Groups Lesson & Quiz 38.Mozambique Ethnic Groups Lesson & Quiz 39.Burundi Ethnic Groups Lesson & Quiz ...
and Salvador using different African pseudoancesters may represent differences in the origins of African populations arriving at these two ports.32,33 In fact, Salvador received slaves coming from a large area of West Africa, whereas Fortaleza received slaves mostly from Angola, Congo and Mozambique...
Poverty and Income Diversification among Households in Rural Nigeria: A Gender Analysis of Livelihood Patterns, The 2nd Instituto de EstudosSociais e Económicos (IESE) Conference on 'Dynamics of Poverty and Patterns of Economic Accumulation in Mozambique'; IESE: Maputo, Mozambique, 2009; pp. 22–...