Income and expenditure Urbanization External migration The most important statistics Development of the world population until 2050 Total population of India 2029 Population density in India 2011-2021 Literacy rate in India 1981-2022, by gender Share of population by caste identity India 2019-2021 ...
In addition to that based on the obtained data till 3rd September 2020, the state-wise COVID-19 end prediction is also portrayed for India. Further, we have studied the relationship between the population densities and the number of infected cases. We have observed a strong correlation in ...
Step-by-Step Text Solution:1. Definition of Population Density: Population density is a term used in ecology to describe the number of individuals of a particular species that inhabit a specific area or volume.
We first performed community detection on a network constructed from pairwise identity-by-descent (IBD)-sharing similarities between ancient individuals to group them into hierarchically related clusters of similar genetic ancestry (Extended Data Fig. 3 and Supplementary Note 3c). At higher levels of ...
The population density of India in 2001 was 324 persons per square kilometer, which means that now 57 more people live in a square kilometer area in the country than the number that lived in a decade ago. The density of population was increased in all States and Union territories between ...
In Gabon, where population density was very low, we sampled as many individuals as possible in a zone of ∼7000 ha. In total 177, 88 and 31 adult trees were sampled respectively in Cameroon, DRC and Gabon, among which 72, 33 and 23 were mother trees from which offspring families we...
Population density and distribution of wheat bugs infesting durum wheat in Sardinia, Italy Luigi Salis1a*, Marta Goula1,2b, Jordi Izquierdo3c, Elena Gordún3d 1Departament de Biologia Animal, Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. 2IRBio Institut de Recerca de...
4 Phenotypic correlation across 220 phenotypes in BBJ. a. Heatmap of pair-wise phenotypic correlation matrix. The color of the cells indicates the value of correlation r as shown in a color scale at the bottom. The traits (rows and columns) were hierarchically clustered by hclust library in ...
To identify selective sweeps, pairwise scans were performed between the five populations. Selective sweeps identified between the Wild population and Landrace-A and Landrace-B were considered as those involved in domestication, while those between Landraces A and B and the Early and Improved cultivars...