The district-wise Covid-19 cumulative infection and death cases data were taken from the daily bulletins of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfares of Government of India ( and the State Governments (such as,...
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In addition to that based on the obtained data till 3rd September 2020, the state-wise COVID-19 end prediction is also portrayed for India. Further, we have studied the relationship between the population densities and the number of infected cases. We have observed a strong correlation in ...
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NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
The small magnetic field is an indication of reduced particle size (<20 nm)20,32, whereas its isomer shift indicates that the iron is in an oxidized state (most probable Fe3+). Induced by the reduced particle size, these particles appear X-ray amorphous. It should be noted that the ... OPEN Very high particulate pollution over northwest India captured by a high‑density in situ sensor network Tanbir Singh 1*, Yutaka Matsumi 1,2*, Tomoki Nakayama 3, Sachiko Hayashida 1*, Prabir K. Patra 1,4*, Natsuko ...
Density Peak Clustering (DPC) is a popular state-of-the-art clustering algorithm, which requires pairwise (dis)similarity of data objects to detect arbitrary shaped clusters. While it is shown to perform well for many applications, DPC remains: (i) not robust for datasets with clusters having...
Name the state of India having the highest density of population and also mention its density. View Solution 1. Which country has the highest road density in the world? View Solution Which country has a high density of population ? View Solution Which continent has the highest density of ...
Estimates of the Sp statistic (a synthetic measure of SGS strength) were obtained for each population from the slope of the regression of pairwise kinship coefficient on ln(distance) and the mean pairwise kinship coefficient measured at the first distance class (F1), following Vekemans and Hardy...