Book-lovers, no matter if this is your first time taking the challenge or you've been a devotee since the beginning, we hope the 2021 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge reinvigorates your passion for reading in the new year and encourages you to learn something about yourself, others, and the world...
12A book you have seen on someone’s bookshelf (in real life, on a Zoom call, in a TV show, etc.)一本你在他人书架上看到的书(实际生活、视频、电视节目等等) 13A locked-room mystery密室推理小说 14A book set in a restaurant故事设定在一家餐馆的书 ⭐15A book with a black-and-white cov...
来自: 陈盛臻好饿好饿 2021-01-13 11:04:08 1. A book that’s published in 2021(一本2021年出版的书) 村上春树的新作《弃猫》,2021年1月由磨铁·文治图书出版。 弃猫 7.4 [日] 村上春树 / 2021 / 花城出版社 3. A book that has a heart, diamond, club, or spade on the cover (一本...
40. A prompt from a past PopSugar Reading Challenge ✅ 小妇人 8.2 [美] 路易莎·梅·奥尔科特 / 2007 / 上海译文出版社 11-12 【第36本】★★★ 来自19年未完成的一个a book you see someone reading on TV or in a movie。 那不勒斯四部曲里两个女主角童年读的小说,以前读了开头一直没读完的经典...
I can't wait to delve into 2019 and start a whole new reading challenge. You can always keep up with my progress at the top of the page (under the 'books & reading' tab, you'll find all of my previous and current reading challenges). You can also catch me onGoodreadsandInstagram!
A prompt from a past PopSugar Reading Challenge 推理要在本格前 7.5 [日] 谷崎润一郎 [日] 芥川龙之介 [日] 梦野久作 [日] 江户川乱步 [日] 佐藤春夫 [日] 山本周五郎 太宰治 [日] 海野十三 [日] 坂口安吾 小酒井不木等 小酒井不木 大下宇陀儿 / 2020 / 浙江文艺出版社 完成阅读时间:...
40. A prompt from a past PopSugar Reading Challenge(一本来自过去的PopSugar Reading Challenge挑战条目的书) 9月1日完成 我选取了2019年的第一条挑战:一本在2019年被改编成电影的书。 七个会议 8.2 [日]池井户润 / 2019 / 人民文学出版社 被改编成的电影: 七个会议 (2019) 7.7 2019 / 日本 / 剧情...
POPSUGAR豆列版: 今年尝试的另一个reading challenge: 以及今年读的所有书:赞 回复...