40. A prompt from a past PopSugar Reading Challenge ✅ 小妇人 8.2 [美] 路易莎·梅·奥尔科特 / 2007 / 上海译文出版社 11-12 【第36本】★★★ 来自19年未完成的一个a book you see someone reading on TV or in a movie。 那不勒斯四部曲里两个女主角童年读的小说,以前读了开头一直没读完的经典...
A prompt from a past PopSugar Reading Challenge 推理要在本格前 7.4 [日] 谷崎润一郎 [日] 芥川龙之介 [日] 梦野久作 [日] 江户川乱步 [日] 佐藤春夫 [日] 山本周五郎 太宰治 [日] 海野十三 [日] 坂口安吾 小酒井不木等 小酒井不木 大下宇陀儿 / 2020 / 浙江文艺出版社 完成阅读时间:...
Reading Challenge 22721 人聚集在这个小组 加入小组 最新讨论 ( 更多 ) 10 - A romance with a fat lead 一本主要角色是肥胖人士的爱... (天生神力常公子) Iris’s record(still updating) (今日气温) 23 - A book with a map 一本有地图的书 (天生神力常公子) 08 - A celebrity memoir 一...
I can't wait to delve into 2019 and start a whole new reading challenge. You can always keep up with my progress at the top of the page (under the 'books & reading' tab, you'll find all of my previous and current reading challenges). You can also catch me onGoodreadsandInstagram!
40Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge往年POPSUGAR阅读挑战里你最喜欢的一个条目 aADVANCEDa 41The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list想读清单里最长的一本书(按页数) 42The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list想读清单里最短的一本书(按页数) ...
I avoided reading the details of her attack; I also refuse to watch any video of a black person being killed by a police officer. But as soon as I could bring myself to do so, that familiar feeling of sadness, anger, and exhaustion returned. I felt alone in my frustration, but it ...
In 2015, food industry siteEater declared a mocktail revolution. The article compared the growing beverage options for nondrinkers to improved options for nonmeat eaters. Often these options aren't on a restaurant's menu, but don't be afraid to ask. ...
This pose is a side plank on crack . . . in a good way. Your obliques will certainly feel the challenge while you balance in this starry pose. Begin in Downward Facing Dog, and step both feet together. Move your right hand to the left about six inches so it's at the upper center...
Dolphin Plank is an intense pose, so if you can't hold for five breaths, lower one or both knees to the floor. Photo: Jenny Sugar 3 / 9 Balancing Star This pose is a side plank on crack . . . in a good way. Your obliques will certainly feel the challenge while you balance in...
Book-lovers, no matter if this is your first time taking the challenge or you've been a devotee since the beginning, we hope the 2021 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge reinvigorates your passion for reading in the new year and encourages you to learn something about yourself, others, and the world...