A prompt from a past PopSugar Reading Challenge 推理要在本格前 7.5 [日] 谷崎润一郎 [日] 芥川龙之介 [日] 梦野久作 [日] 江户川乱步 [日] 佐藤春夫 [日] 山本周五郎 太宰治 [日] 海野十三 [日] 坂口安吾 小酒井不木等 小酒井不木 大下宇陀儿 / 2020 / 浙江文艺出版社 完成阅读时间:...
40. A prompt from a past PopSugar Reading Challenge(一本来自过去的PopSugar Reading Challenge挑战条目的书) 9月1日完成 我选取了2019年的第一条挑战:一本在2019年被改编成电影的书。 七个会议 8.2 [日]池井户润 / 2019 / 人民文学出版社 被改编成的电影: 七个会议 (2019) 7.7 2019 / 日本 / 剧情...
17A book that has the same title as a song与歌曲同名的书 18A book about a subject you are passionate about有关一个你充满热情的主题 19A book that discusses body positivity讨论“身体自爱”的书 20A book on a Black Lives Matter reading list在“黑人命也是命”书单中的书 ⭐21A genre hybrid混...
I can't wait to delve into 2019 and start a whole new reading challenge. You can always keep up with my progress at the top of the page (under the 'books & reading' tab, you'll find all of my previous and current reading challenges). You can also catch me onGoodreadsandInstagram!
Reading Challenge 22721 人聚集在这个小组 加入小组 最新讨论 ( 更多 ) 10 - A romance with a fat lead 一本主要角色是肥胖人士的爱... (天生神力常公子) Iris’s record(still updating) (今日气温) 23 - A book with a map 一本有地图的书 (天生神力常公子) 08 - A celebrity memoir 一...
Celebrity Movies TV Music Books Cover Stories 2023 Reading Challenge Fashion Fashion News Celebrity Style Street Style Clothing & Accessories Fashion Week Fashion Shopping Planet Style Bridal Edit On the Runway Beauty Beauty News Celebrity Beauty Skin Care Makeup Hair Nails Beauty Reviews Beauty Shopping...
Holiday Fashion 12/23/21 How to Style the TikTok Trend: Coated Jeans by Jordan Julian paid content for Gap Gap New Year 12/22/21 Fresh Fitness Finds That’ll Make Working Out Your Favorite Hobby in 2022 by Samantha Sasso paid content for Gap Amazon New Year 12/22/21 Don't...
40. A prompt from a past PopSugar Reading Challenge ✅ 小妇人 8.2 [美] 路易莎·梅·奥尔科特 / 2007 / 上海译文出版社 11-12 【第36本】★★★ 来自19年未完成的一个a book you see someone reading on TV or in a movie。 那不勒斯四部曲里两个女主角童年读的小说,以前读了开头一直没读完的经典...
POPSUGAR豆列版: https://www.douban.com/doubanapp/dispatch?uri=/doulist/122207451/&dt_dapp=1 今年尝试的另一个reading challenge: https://www.douban.com/doulist/122483333/ 以及今年读的所有书: https://www.douban.com/doulist/122207397/赞 回复...
000 reviews on Amazon or Goodreads 37. A book you think your best friend would like 38. A book about art or an artist 39. A book everyone seems to have read but you 40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading ChallengeADVANCED41. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR ...