Learn how to turn on the pop-up blocker feature in Edge and how to allow pop-ups for specific URLs. Find out how to troubleshoot and manage pop-ups, cookies, and extensions in Edge. 适用于:Microsoft 帐户仪表板 阻止MicrosoftEdge中的弹出窗口 -Microsoft支持 ...
De functie Microsoft Edgedie pop-ups blokkeert, is effectief in het voorkomen dat websites automatisch een nieuw venster of tabblad, of een gedeeltelijk venster boven op uw huidige webpagina openen. Deze functie is standaard ingeschakeld. Er zijn veel verschillende soorten pop-up...
向下滚动到“权限”部分,勾选“阻止弹出窗口”。 3.微软Edge浏览器(Microsoft Edge) 在Edge浏览器中,用户可以通过以下步骤启用弹窗拦截: 打开Edge浏览器,点击右上角的三个点,选择“设置”。 在设置页面,选择“Cookies和站点权限”。 找到“弹出窗口和重定向”,将其设置为“阻止”。 三、使用浏览器扩展程序 (Usin...
1. Locate the error message‘Microsoft Edge blocked a pop-up from…’at the bottom of your browser window: 2. You can click‘Allow once’if you would prefer your browser to continue to block pop-ups from the website, or‘Always allow’to ensure pop-ups appear without an error message....
The Microsoft Edgefeature that blocks pop-ups is effective in preventing websites from automatically opening a new window or tab, or a partial window on top of your current web page. This feature is turned on by default. There are many different types of pop-ups, including a...
Use the Microsoft Edge pop-up blocker. This feature is turned on by default. There are many different types of pop-ups, including advertisements, notices, offers, or alerts that can appear at various times on any webpage. Some can be helpful, such as when ...
Microsoft Edge 打开Edge浏览器,点击右上角的三个点(菜单)。 选择“设置”。 在“Cookie和站点权限”中,点击“弹出窗口和重定向”,将其设置为“阻止”。 Safari 打开Safari浏览器,点击左上角的“Safari”菜单。 选择“偏好设置”。 在“网站”标签中,找到“弹出窗口”,选择“阻止和通知”。
Get to know our key features: 🛑 Block all types of popups, on any website: You can now completely block any type of popup ad no matter what kind of website you’re browsing. Poper will remember what was blocked so that the popup remains blocked and out of sight. 📰 A...
有时候不好用,需要先取消“Open pop-ups as a new tabs (Edge extensions are not blocked)”,再重新勾上才起作用。怀疑是网页上的脚本错误中断了脚本执行。既然常常需要这样的操作,建议加个按钮,一键取消→重新勾选,之间可能需要加几百毫秒延迟。 这对你有帮助吗?是否 |报告为垃圾邮...
How to allow pop-ups on Microsoft Edge For Microsoft Edge, the process of allowing pop-ups is very similar to blocking pop-ups. Here’s how to allow pop-ups on Edge: Open your Edge browser, go to the user menu (the three horizontal dots in the upper right), and selectSettings. ...