Learn how to turn on the pop-up blocker feature in Edge and how to allow pop-ups for specific websites. Find out how to troubleshoot and manage pop-ups, cookies, and extensions in Edge. 适用于:Microsoft 帐户仪表板 在Microsoft Edge 中管理网站通知 - Microsoft 支持 ...
Learn how to turn on the pop-up blocker feature in Edge and how to allow pop-ups for specific URLs. Find out how to troubleshoot and manage pop-ups, cookies, and extensions in Edge. 适用于:Microsoft 帐户仪表板 阻止MicrosoftEdge中的弹出窗口 -Microsoft支持 ...
自120 版起Microsoft Edge (Android) 自120 版起Microsoft Edge (iOS 和 iPadOS) 描述根據URL 的模式,定義可開啟快顯視窗的網站清單。 * 不是此原則可接受的值。如果未設定此原則,則會對所有網站使用來自 DefaultPopupsSetting 原則(如有設定) 或使用者個人設定的全域預設值。
NewTabPageSetFeedType 設定Microsoft Edge 新的索引標籤頁面體驗 (過時) RestoreOnStartup 在Edge啟動時Microsoft採取的動作 RestoreOnStartupURLs 瀏覽器啟動時開啟的網站 RestoreOnStartupUserURLsEnabled 在設定 RestoreOnStartupURLs 原則時,允許使用者在啟動期間新增和移除自己的網站 ShowHomeButton 在工具列上顯示 ...
Microsoft Edge 中的惡意代碼軟體封鎖程式是您的 AI 技術防護,其設計目的是要保護您和您的使用者免於遭受惡意代碼攻擊。 啟用后,惡意代碼封鎖程式會使用機器學習 (ML) 來識別並封鎖這些詐騙,讓您在瀏覽網頁時保持安全。 For more information, see Stand up to scareware with scareware blocker, now available in...
Method 2: Use a Microsoft Edge Pop-Up Blocker Extension If you can’t block pop-ups using the built-in settings of Microsoft Edge, you can use a third-party extension. Step 1:OpenMicrosoft Edgeand install thePop-Up Blocker extensionfrom the Chrome web store. ...
How to block pop-ups in Microsoft Edge In Edge, go toSettings and moreat the top of your browser. SelectSettings>Cookies and site permissions. UnderAll permissions, selectPop-ups and redirects. Turn on theBlock (recommended)toggle. When this feature is turned on and a pop-u...
Disable Pop-ups in Microsoft Edge: Step 1:Open Microsoft Edge browser and click on the three dots on the top right corner and this will bring the menu and here you will need to select Settings. Step 2:In the settings menu, on the left panel you will be able to see Cookies and Site...
How to block pop-ups in Microsoft Edge In Edge, go toSettings and moreat the top of your browser. SelectSettings>Cookies and site permissions. UnderAll permissions, selectPop-ups and redirects. Turn on theBlock (recommended)toggle. When this feature is turned on and a pop-u...
RestoreOnStartup Microsoft Edge 启动时要执行的作 RestoreOnStartupURLs 浏览器启动时要打开的网站 RestoreOnStartupUserURLsEnabled 在配置 RestoreOnStartupURLs 策略时,允许用户在启动期间添加和删除自己的站点 ShowHomeButton 在工具栏上显示“主页”按钮Web...