Fig.2Effect of complex formation incubation time on transfection efficiency with jetPEI®.HEK-293 cells were transfected in 96-well plates with pCMVLuc and jetPEI® following the reverse transfection protocol. Luciferase activity was measured after 24 h. ...
验,筛选出毒性最低、最佳的用于DNA 转染的线性PEI。 应用 除了HTS,jetPEI®是否可以用于其它实验? jetPEI®可用于除HTS 外的其它实验,例如悬浮细胞的DNA 转染。此外,对于jetPEI®介导的原代神 经元的DNA 转染, Polyplus-transfection 公司开发了specific protocol。更多详情,请联系技术组。
Poster :in vivo-jetPEI®, an alternative to lipid-based reagents or viral vectors for nucleic acid-mediated therapies Poster : Non-viral transfection in mice: Guidelines for Nucleic Acid Delivery Experiments in Mice View All Resources Get the latest news, interesting reads and updates on our upc...
Poster :in vivo-jetPEI®, an alternative to lipid-based reagents or viral vectors for nucleic acid-mediated therapies Poster : Non-viral transfection in mice: Guidelines for Nucleic Acid Delivery Experiments in Mice View All Resources Get the latest news, interesting reads and updates on our upc...
A:jetPRIME已成功用于Raw264.7的转染。按照standard condition,可以获得50%的转染效率;对于原代巨噬细胞或单核细胞、巨噬细胞衍生的巨噬细胞的DNA转染,应选择jetPEI-macrophage。可以用jetOPTIMUS替代 质粒共转染问题: Q:当我想在一个实验中进行多个质粒的共转染时,我该如何操作?
Polyplus国内授权代理产品货号品牌jetOPTIMUS® DNA Transfection Reagent117-01polyplusin vivo-jetPEI®201-10GpolyplusjetPRIME®114-01polyplusINTERFERin®409-01polyplusPEIpro115-400polyplusFectoVIR-AAV120-100polyplus北京和一生物科技有限公司是一家集进口试剂销售、技术服务与合约开发为一体的专业化高科技公司,...
Polyplus is a leading upstream solutions provider for advanced biologic and cell and gene therapy production from research to commercial scale. An innovator in nucleic acid delivery, the legacy portfolio features process-centric transfection reagents, ki
(EGFP) as the transfection marker. However, marked cytotoxicity is also observed, and this is avoided by using a fraction of the recommended DNA and jetPEI™ amounts, while maintaining a high N/P ratio of ~ 8. As is also recommended in the protocol, aspirating the medium after a 2-4...
Polyplus is a leading upstream solutions provider for advanced biologic and cell and gene therapy production from research to commercial scale. An innovator in nucleic acid delivery, the legacy portfolio features process-centric transfection reagents, ki