in vivo-jetPEI® is a ready-to-use cationic polymer reagent recommended for in vivo transfection of nucleic acids (DNA, siRNA, miRNA, shRNA and other oligonucleotides) in any animal model.
in vivo-jetPEI® is a ready-to-use cationic polymer reagent recommended for in vivo transfection of nucleic acids (DNA, siRNA, miRNA, shRNA and other oligonucleotides) in any animal model.
invivo-jetPEI™ Cationicpolymertransfectionreagent invivoTransfectionProtocol___ Productinformation 201-10G0.1ml10ml10%Glucosesufficientfor1mgofDNA 201-20G2x0.1ml10ml10%Glucosesufficientfor2mgofDNA invivo-jetPEI™ +10%Glucose 201-50G0.5ml2x10ml10%Glucosesufficientfor5mgofDNA 201...
Summary:in vivo-jetPEI® is the most advanced in vivo transfection reagent for safe and efficient in vivo delivery of DNA, si/miRNA and other oligonucleotides in animal models. With a track record of over 700 publications, in vivo-jetPEI® is the consensual in vivo transfection method for ...
in vivo-jetPEI® is a powerful polymer based reagent used to deliver any nucleic acid to any animal model. The protocol is similar to a classical transfection: the nucleic acid and the reagent are just mixed and administered to the vivo-jetPEI® forms stable complexes with the ...
invivo-jetPEI™-Gal DNA&siRNAdeliveryreagent .polyplus-transfection invivo-jetPEI™-Gal DNA&siRNADeliveryProtocol CompanyInformation...2 ProductInformation...
DNA&siRNAdeliveryreagent invivo-jetPEI™-Man DNA&siRNADeliveryProtocol CompanyInformation...2 ProductInformation...3 Invivo
上海玉博生物科技有限公司做为Polyplus-transfection代理商之产品201-10G-in vivo-jetPEI®0.1ml delivery reagent+10ml 10% glucose solution的产品销售公司,专业经营原装进口抗体(单克隆、多克隆)、重组蛋白、检测试剂盒、标准品、细胞因子、胎牛血清、细胞培养类等生物试剂以及耗材。 ATCC sigma anatrace ...
上海玉博生物科技有限公司做为Polyplus-transfection代理商之产品201-10G-in vivo-jetPEI®0.1ml delivery reagent+10ml 10% glucose solution的产品销售公司,专业经营原装进口抗体(单克隆、多克隆)、重组蛋白、检测试剂盒、标准品、细胞因子、胎牛血清、细胞培养类等生物试剂以及耗材。
上海玉博生物科技有限公司做为Polyplus-transfection代理商之产品201-50G-in vivo-jetPEI®0.5ml delivery reagent+2*10ml 10% glucose solution的产品销售公司,专业经营原装进口抗体(单克隆、多克隆)、重组蛋白、检测试剂盒、标准品、细胞因子、胎牛血清、细胞培养类等生物试剂以及耗材。