Material Safety Data Sheet Polyacrylamide - Redox - MSDS:材料安全数据表聚丙烯酰胺-氧化还原物质 热度: ®MaterialSaetyDataSheet 1.IdentifcationoSubstance/PreparationandCompany ProductName:PeMasonMatePolyesterResin Company:Harrison&CloughLtd,P.O.Box9,HarcloRoad,O AireworthRoad, ...
POLYESTER RESIN MSDS 聚酯树脂 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: Revision date: 26/05/2016 Revision: 7 Supersedes date: 16/07/2015SAFETY DATA SHEETPOLYESTER RESINSECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking1.1. Product identifierProduct name POLYESTER RESINProduct number ...
The resin has excellent wettability to glass fiber. FRP products made of 191D UPR have good air-drying ability, low shrinkage and good water resistance. TM-191D can be applied in all kinds of FRP products.2, Liquid resin technical data(25ºC): Item Unit Index Test standard A...
Material Safety A Material Safety Data Sheet of this product is available on request. Product Parameters Product SpecificationPropertyValueUnitTM AppreanceHazy-TM 2265 Viscosity @23ºC180-220mPa.sTM 2013 Solids content, IR drying54-59%TM 2033 ...
A Material Safety Data Sheet of this product is available on request. Guidelines before Use Before use, the resin should be conditioned at a well defined application dependent temperature (usually 15°C minimum for a MEKP / Co cure) Product Parameters ...
TM-191D Unsaturated Polyester Resin1.Introduction:TM-191D UPR is a kind of DCPD(dicy clopentadiene) UPR with medium viscosity. The resin has excellent wettability to glass fiber. FRP products made of 191D UPR have good air-drying ability, low shrinkage and good wat...
A: Non-thixotropic resin shelf time is 90 days and the thixotropic resin is 45-60 days in cool. Operation guide Considering that some materials are dangerous goods, it is recommended to post all dangerous goods safety data lists at the production site. ...
A: Non-thixotropic resin shelf time is 90 days and the thixotropic resin is 45-60 days in cool. Operation guide Considering that some materials are dangerous goods, it is recommended to post all dangerous goods safety data lists at the production s...
Molded High Strength and High Toughness Epoxy Vinyl Ester Unsaturated Polyester Resin for BMC and SMC US$1.70-1.95 / kg Fiberglass Molding Pressing Molding Resina Resin for SMC Sheet Molding Compound Sheet US$1.60-1.80 / kg Fiberglass SMC/BMC Sheet M...
Epoxy Vinyl Ester Resin It Can Be Used for Temperature Resistant FRP Components and Integral FRP US$1.70-1.95 / kg SMC Composite Good Mechanical Strength Sheet Molding Compound Fiberglass SMC Mould for Battery Boxes / Holders US$0.95-1.20 / kg Fiber Glass Sheet...