Identifieduses:resinforpackaging,adhesives,filmformingandmoldingresins,hotmeltadhesive Usesadvisedagainst:noneidentified 1.3.Detailsofthesupplierofthesafetydatasheet: InternationalPolymersCompany POBox12021 JubailIndustrialCity-31961 KingdomOfSaudiArabia. Website:.sipchem/en/affiliates2.htm ...|English dynamic.content.view.all dynamic.content.view pdp.sampleOptions ELITE™ AT 6101 Enhanced Polyethylene Resin trade.product.number000000244317...
High density polyethylene resin that provides high gloss, high surface finishing, and excellent mechanical properties for houseware, food container, and toy injection molding applications
View Safety Data Sheets » Resin Melt Index Density Food Contact DMF NSF UL Listed Description / Applications / Notes Formolene® E4803 0.30 0.948 Food Types: Temp Conditions: Conduit Pipe, Telecommunications Pipe Caps and Closures, Blow Molded Parts, Sheet, Thermoformed Parts ...
Exceed™ XP 7 resins deliver remarkable mechanical performance with a combination of low density and fractional melt index (MI) that extends the extreme performance of the Exceed™ XP PE resin portfolio to ‘never seen before’ levels.
SAFETY DATA SHEET THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY Product name: XUS 61511.02 Experimental Polyethylene Issue Date: 11/06/2018 Resin Print Date: 11/07/2018 THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY encourages and expects you to read and understand the entire (M)SDS, as there is important information throughout...
美国陶氏ELITE™ 5100 G Enhanced Polyethylene Resin英文RDS报告.pdf,Regulatory Data Sheet ELITE™5100 G Enhanced Polyethylene Resin Information provided in this Regulatory Data Sheet (RDS) does not indicate Dow product availability in all countries ali
Polyethylene is a water-repellent, white, tough, leathery, thermoplastic resin very similar in appearance to paraffin wax. Properties vary from a viscous liquid at low molecular weights to a hard waxlike substance at high molecular weights. It is used as a coating for glass bottles and fibergla...
Safety Data Sheet Non-product related inquiries Contact us For allnon-product related inquiriesincluding: Careers Community and Social Responsibility Corporate Communications Media Relations Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Vendor and Supplier Submissions...
Safety Data Sheet General Info HMW offers a higher molecular weight than HDPE Polyethylene and improved impact strength, abrasion resistance and lower coefficient of friction when compared to HDPE.It has a much lower molecular weight than UHMW and is sometimes considered as an economical alternative ...