We examine day-to-day fluctuations in worker-level output at two manufacturing sites in China. Ambient fine-particle (PM2.5) pollution is severe but significantly variable, largely due to exogenous atmospheric ventilation. We obtain an insignificant immediate output response from concurrent (same-shift...
On the other hand, environmental regulation proxied by carbon tax has a significant negative impact on pollution emissions. It also poses a significant positive impact on the trade balance-total output ratio and the current account-total output ratio. Finally, we also find that the negative impact...
In this paper, we demonstrate that, in a two-period overlapping-generations model, the relationship between environmental taxation and economic activity (output level and growth) has an inverted-U shape when we take into account the detrimental impact of pollution on health and the individual decisi...
Dogan E, Turkekul B (2016) CO2 emissions, real output, energy consumption, trade, Urbanization and financial development: testing the EKC hypothesis for the USA. Environ Sci Pollut Res 23(2):1203–1213 Google Scholar Dogan E, Seker F, Bulbul S (2017) Investigating the impacts of energy con...
Using input-output tables of China and the U.S.,this paper has calculated the pollution embodied in trade and structure of pollution,the balance of emissions embodied in trade(BEET) and the pollution terms of trade(PTT) for 18 manufacturing sectors of China and the U.S.between 2001 and 201...
We exploit variation in local industrial composition to gauge the effect on pollution and health outcomes of export expansion due to the decline in tariffs faced by Chinese exporters. In theory, rising exports can increase pollution and mortality due to increased output, but they may also raise ...
Estimating sectoral pollution load in Lagos by Industrial Pollution Projection System (IPPS): Employment versus output The industrial pollution issues in Lagos with over 5000 medium and large-scale industries are directly related to the pace and pattern of the past and pres... A A.,Oketola,&,....
Traditional theories treat employees as any other input, such as raw materials, and a management's objective is only to extract maximum output while minimizing costs by holding workers to the reservation wage. By contrast, with firms' changing nature and increasing values attached to human capital...
(2023). Investment in renewable energy and electricity output: Role of green finance, environmental tax, and geopolitical risk: Empirical evidence from China. Energy, 269, 126683. Article Google Scholar Abbasi, K. R., Abbas, J., & Tufail, M. (2021a). Revisiting electricity consumption, ...
Hagen (1958) claimed that if a country's import-competing industry paid a higher wage than its exporting industry, free trade generated lower welfare than autarky. In this case, a prohibitive tariff was the appropriate policy. Hagen's work, which broke new ground by analyzing the welfare impac...