It is well accepted that particulate matter (PM) can affect human health detrimentally. Chronic and prolonged exposures to particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter ranging between 2.5 and 10 microns (PM10), 0.1 and 2.5 microns (PM2.5) and less than 0.1 microns in size (UFPM), have ...
Well developed and stringent legislation exists in most countries, although health impairments never occurred from environmental chemicals in drinking water. Xenobiotics in water mainly have a marker function for the general pollution of the environment. Therefore measures to detect and eliminate the ...
Zabol City in eastern Iran has been recognized as one of the windiest, dustiest, and most unhealthy urban environments globally. This work examines the chemical speciation, environmental contamination, and human health risk associated with atmospheric dust in Zabol and surrounding areas, via analysis ...
The Interrelation of Vertical Structure, Environmental Pollution and Human Health in the Urban By use of the data of vertical structure, environmental pollution and human health in the urban, the characteristics of wind and time-space variation of po... Y Zhang - 《Climatic & Environmental Researc...
Open AccessArticle Export:RIS|BibTeX|EndNote Composition and Volume of Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste in Togo: Case of District Autonome Du Grand Lome and the City of Kara byKodzovi YAKAOUandKwamivi Nyonuwosro SEGBEAYA Journal of Environment Pollution and Human Health.2024, 12(3),...
Researchers generally focused on one topic independently without comprehensive considerations due to the knowledge gap between environmental science and human health. Indeed, the full life cycle control of HMs is crucial and should be reconsidered with the combination of the occurrence, transport, and ...
Climate change and environmental impacts on maternal and newborn health with focus on Arctic populations Later the Lancet commission identified six ways human health could be affected. Among these were not environmental factors which are also believed to be ... Charlotta,Rylander,Jon,... - 《Globa...
ArticleOpen access13 July 2024 Introduction Air pollution is a significant concern in the contemporary world, serving as a primary contributor to premature deaths and severe health conditions. It poses substantial risks to both public health and the natural environment, ranging from household-level smok...
Burden of disease from toxic waste sites in India, Indonesia, and the Philippines in 2010 Environ Health Perspect (2010) Deaths: estimated deaths, data by region. Global Health Observatory Data Repository (2014) There are more references available in the full text version of this article.Cited...
Article CAS Google Scholar Agusa T (2005) Contamination by trace elements in human and its effects in Asian developing countries. Thesis for doctoral degree in Ehime University, pp. 1–329 Agusa T, Kunito T, Ramu K, Chamnan C, Trang PTK, Minh BT, Subramanian A, Iwata H, Viet PH, ...