内容提示: 环境污染与人体健康论文(Environmental pollution and human health) 环境污染与人体健康论文(Environmental pollution and human health) Environmental pollution and human health The basis of human health is the survival of the human environment, only the rich biological diversity, stability and ...
health) Environmentalpollutionandhumanhealth Thebasisofhumanhealthisthesurvivalofthehuman environment,onlytherichbiologicaldiversity,stabilityand sustainabledevelopmentoftheecologicalsystem,inorderto ensurehumanhealth,stabilityandsustainabledevelopment, andenvironmentalpollutionistheenemyofhumanhealth,the ...
1994. Environmental pollution and human health. Sci. Total Environ. 143, 93-101.Schlatter C.Environmental pollution and human health[J].1994,143.SCHLATTER, C.: "Environmental pollution and human health", en Science of the Total Environment, 143, 1994, pp. 93-101....
环境污染与人类健康(Environmental pollution and human health)The environment is the human survival space, not only including the natural environment, daily life, learning and working environment, including the scientific allocation and use of the products of modern life. Environmental pollution not only...
钙在人类健康中的作用Calcium in Human Health(2006) 热度: 环境污染与人类健康(Environmentalpollutionandhumanhealth) Theenvironmentisthehumansurvivalspace,notonlyincludingthenaturalenvironment,dailylife,learningandworkingenvironment,includingthescientificallocationanduseoftheproductsofmodernlife.Environmentalpollutionnotonly...
Environmental pollution and human health risks associated with atmospheric dust in Zabol City, Iran Abstract Zabol City in eastern Iran has been recognized as one of the windiest, dustiest, and most unhealthy urban environments globally. This work examines the chemical speciation, environmental ...
Xenobiotics in water mainly have a marker function for the general pollution of the environment. Therefore measures to detect and eliminate the sources of contamination are often inappropriately taken. For some persistent and (usually) lipophilic xenobiotics in food, especially from animal origin, acts...
Environmental pollution and human health 来自 NCBI 喜欢 0 阅读量: 82 作者: C.,Schlatter 摘要: Contacts of humans with chemicals from the environment occur via air, water or food. In the past most attention was paid to the contamination of water. Well developed and stringent legislation exists...
from pollution; (f) taking into account the potential for environmental and human health impacts of radioactive wastes; and (g) improving the scientific [...] daccess-ods.un.org [...] 尔宣言》的执行工作,在 2002 至 2006 年期间特别侧重注意城市废水、生境的改 变和破坏以及养分;(e) ...
Chemical analysis of isolated compounds is commonly used to monitor environmental pollution, but such analyses can be limited and expensive and cannot indicate the biological effects. In contrast, biological tests indicate the toxicity of a ride range of compounds or environmental samples, and are ther...