If this is your first time voting or your first time voting since changing addresses, you’ll need to bring proof of identification. This can include any government-issued ID, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, a utility bill or bank statement that includes your name and addre...
Masters remains an underdog, but all of these races appears to be in play for the GOP, and winning four or even just three of them could translate into a GOP Senate majority. That seems very possible if things continue to close in the GOP’s direction in the final two-plus weeks of ...
especially in close elections. (As a simple rule of thumb, we’ve found polls “call” the right winner 80 percent of the time, meaning they fail to do so the other 20 percent of the time — although upsets are more likely to occur in some circumstances than others.) But the rate of...
They also reminded that "election night results are always unofficial" and "accurately counting millions of ballots takes time and it is important to be patient." "Some races will be close and may require a recount or a recanvass," they said. "Many election officials will also conduct ...
conductedthepolls,thewording of questions, sampling size and method, and margin of error) after the close of poll; and (f)intheUSand Australia,at thefederal level,exitpollsarelargely free from regulation.2 [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk ...
Elizabeth Warren launched an exploratory committee as 2018 came to a close, and will visit New Hampshire this weekend. She is very likely to run. Julian Castro, HUD Secretary under President Obama and former mayor of San Antonio visited Iowa this week, and will be announcing his 2020 plans ...
Here the presumptive winner of a given primary may be indicated during debates through both the speaking time they are given and the audience response they elicit. Here I explore both candidate speaking time and audience laughter and applause by content, analyzing six 2012 Republican Party primary ...
"The stakes of this election are incredibly high, and it's close," said William Howell, the Sydney Stein Professor of American Politics at the University of Chicago. "I think Chicago is going to clearly break blue, and Illinois at the top of the ticket is going to break blue." ...
Donald Trump’s supporters at the state Republican Party’s election night event in Buckhead are cheering each time results showing Trump ahead come up on the screens playing Fox News. The race is still too close to call, but people are clearly feeling con...
Those close to former President Donald Trump say he has not narrowed down his vice president list. | Joe Lamberti/AP 2024 Elections Trump campaign will host Florida donor retreat with potential VP picks The May event in Palm Beach is expected to attract around 400 donors. By ALEX ISENSTADT...